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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



back in camelot, emma controls hook with excalibur (before it was made whole again). but, as emma reunites the two blades, it prevents the dark ones from being able to be controlled by the dagger or excalibur.. which is why rumple just drops excalibur at the end of their fight. excalibur as a whole can only kill the dark ones, but not control them. hopefully that clears any confusion. also, the next episode is the 99th episode making 5x12 the 100th episode, in case you wanted to know. until next time!

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Broken Heart- Thank you so much for another fun reaction to another of my favorite episodes, not just in season five, but throughout the entire series!! I love Broken Heart so much, and I really enjoyed watching your reaction for it, even though you didn't enjoy it as much as I hoped you would. Broken Heart for me... is powerful, heartbreaking, and so, so beautiful. First... I have a number of favorite scenes and moments throughout this episode, most of which are between Killian and Emma. Clearly... this episode is centered around them, as we finally learn the rest of the events that happened between them in Camelot after Emma turned Killian into a second Dark One to try to save his life. And while we see that she succeeded, the man Killian is has been buried deep down inside the villain he's become once again because of the darkness now consuming him, as well as the pain from Emma's betrayal when she turned him into the very monster he's feared and hated with every fiber of his being for centuries. And I can't blame him for feeling so heartbroken. However, my first favorite moment is in the beginning, when we see Killian become consumed by the darkness within Dark Ones Vault before he is reborn as a new Dark One, then is confronted by the voice inside his head that has taken shape in the form of Rumplestiltskin just as he appeared to Emma as well. I love the moment the darkness surrounds Killian, as he screams and is forced to relive the most painful moments throughout his very long life. And then... I absolutely love seeing Killian, now the Dark One face come face to face with his oldest enemy, and seeing their rivalry once again come to light. I love how Killian immediately knows that this Rumplestiltskin is only in his mind and tries hard to resist his taunts, but unfortunately, the moment the darkness reminds him of his revenge against the real Rumplestiltskin, he swiftly gives into the darkness and begins seeking his vengeance once again. Marvelous!! :) Two more of my favorite moments are both scenes between Killian and Emma in the Enchanted Forest, when Emma finds him for the first time since he vanished into the Dark Ones Vault after she tethered his life to Excalibur and tries to pull his mind away from the darkness' taunts and Killian is angry for pushing him right back into the darkness he's been fighting against, then later when they argue about possession of Excalibur and he gets angry with Emma shouting, "Which is why... I begged you not to turn me into the bloody Dark One in the first place!", then reminds her that he had been the one who never stopped believing in her. The heartbreak in his voice and in his eyes as Killian fights to resist the darkness and upon hearing him proclaim Emma clearly doesn't believe in him any longer, is so sad and heartbreaking, yet so beautiful. I've told you before how much I love all of the really emotional moments with Hook and that's all thanks to Colin O'Donoghue's phenomenal talent when playing this incredible character. He's fantastic when showing the deep emotions such as heartbreak and pure anger. And while Emma did betray him, I definitely feel so badly for her as well because she's realizing in these scenes that she's still losing the man she loves so deeply, and inevitably... she does lose him to the darkness because of all her secrets. Another favorite moment... takes place in Storybrooke, when Dark Hook comes to Emma inside Regina's home while she's being guarded by Merida, then he goes on to speak cruelly to hurt her, and upon Emma asking him why he's doing all he's doing, he answers, "Because... I want to hurt you, like you hurt me." I just love how Jennifer and Colin act off one another as two Dark Ones, versus how they act with one another while they're their true selves. And finally... my last favorite moment comes in the end once Emma renders Killian unconscious after he has killed Merlin, then as she takes Killian's face in her hands and whispers, "When you wake up, you'll be the man you were. The man I love. The man who loves me." Then she kisses him tenderly on his lips. So, so beautiful. I also love the idea of her taking away his memories of him ever becoming the Dark One, in order to bring Killian back to her once the curse brings them all back home. Fantastic! :) Now... I really love the swordfight between Dark Hook and Gold aboard the Jolly Roger, and all of Hook's interactions with Gold as well, starting with their scene inside Gold's pawnshop when Dark Hook comes to challenge Gold to a duel, just like Rumplestiltskin had challenged Hook to a duel two hundred years earlier just before Killian becomes Captain Hook upon Rumplestiltskin cutting off his hand. I love, love, love the moment when Dark Hook mimics Rumplestiltskin from when Rumplestiltskin first taunted him in the same way, way back in season two's very first episode with Hook... The Crocodile, as Dark Hook now challenges Rumple in the same way to another duel, showing the beginning of their dark and bitter rivalry. It's hilarious and just fantastic!!! Just one more reason to love Colin O'Donoghue. :) Next... I like the brief moment between David and Mary Margaret outside of the Dark Ones Vault once Merlin brings them and Lancelot to it in hope of getting there in time to help Killian once he's reborn only to realize they're too late. I love how Mary Margaret defends Emma's actions upon trying to save Killian by turning him into another Dark One. However, I'm not too happy with how quick David is to once again show such little faith in Hook. I can understand it a little given Hook's past with being a villain for so long, but by this point, he and David have become good friends, so seeing him show such little faith in Hook annoys me a bit. And Mary Margaret then sides with him too when she nods her head in agreement with him. It's sad that everyone, including Merlin too have such little faith in Hook. If they had all just tried to help him and not lie to him, things could have worked out very differently and better for everyone. As for Merlin's death... a lot of fans feel that Merlin was killed far too easily given that he is the most powerful Sorcerer to have ever lived, and while I agree that this is so to some degree, I also feel that his death makes sense, because Emma ripped away all of his magic and his mortality within him in order to save Killian, which made him mortal once again just as he was over a thousand years earlier before he drank from the Holy Grail. And I actually really love that by Dark Hook crushing his heart so he can activate the dark curse, it's really actually Nimue who kills him because she and all past Dark Ones live within him and in Emma. I really like this concept a lot. It's clever and in my opinion... a great idea. I feel bad for Merlin of course. I like him as a character for the most part, although I am quite disappointed that Merlin never made any kind of effort to try to help Killian deal with the darkness inside of him like he did with Emma. There may not have been much time when they had to talk, but in those fee moments, Merlin immediately saw him as only the Dark One and no longer as Killian. I suppose it could be because Merlin saw Hook's future and knew that he was beyond listening to pleads or to reasoning, but I still would have liked to see some kind of offer of help from Merlin towards Killian too. Again, that's probably just me. And lastly.. I love the final scene as Dark Hook and the darkness in the form of Rumplestiltskin come to the lake's edge and summon all the previous Dark Ones from the Underworld once Hook has taken some of Gold's blood that is needed from him to open the portal to the Underworld. I love that to do so, blood from someone who has died and come back from the dead is needed. And of course seeing Dark Hook and Rumple looking into the mist that comes rolling in with Charon the Boatman carrying all of the Dark Ones... fabulous! I love how eerie this whole scene is. Overall... Broken Heart is a phenomenal episode and I absolutely love it! And I really enjoyed your reaction for it as well. So thank you once again! I am looking forward to all your reactions to come. Until my thoughts for Swan Song...