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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Season 7 of buffy is personally one of my absolute favourites. The acting is outstanding as is the storyline. Season six I also really like (not The best overall) but it has some of my favourite episodes of the whole show..obviously this is just my personal preference but I’m so excited to see u dive into these next 2 seasons xx

Rafael Lemus

oh boy Buffy season 6! Personally, i love this season but I can understand why ppl dont. You'll see. The second person on the call sheet gets the special "and as..." so it's actually a bit of a promotion. ASH requested to be written off to spend more time with his family in Enlgand. As for the episode this is obviously only 1/2 the story. But I will say, remember back in season 1 Buffys nightmare was being buried alive and Giles nightmare was Buffy dying, both of which came true. I feel so bad for Buffy at the end there. She is living her literal nightmare :(((

Vincent Valentin

the last two seasons have mmm mixed reviews from the fandom. they're not bad, but theres some controversial parts. Theres people who love season 6 of which im one but i get why people have issues with it. it gets noticeably more "adult" after switching to UPN. season 7 rolls that back a bit and a perfectly serviceable final season with great moments for the fandom but has its issues. It'll be interesting to see how you feel about the next two seasons because i can see you having some very strong opinions about some of the choices that are made.


When this season first premiered, I had mixed feelings about it, but I was also too young to really get (as a pre-teen). Rewatching it now, it's one of my faves. Not bc its the best, but bc it feels so relatable in a lot of different ways. Hope you enjoy what's to come 🙂


That’s interesting ur take on the Giles airport scene...that makes me ball my eyes everytime I watch it lol and this season has the best ever ep of buffy 😍

Eric Paul Owens

Interesting I actually tried to sync this up with the full version of another reactor. The source you are watching is edited down for time, mostly its shortening establishing shots, but a whole scene is cut when buffy arrives at the school. Here it doesnt matter and no spoilers but gosh there are episodes this season I hope they didnt edit down like this in the source your watching...

james cedro

You should have watched both episodes in 1...it was actually a 2 hour season premiere when it aired...they only split it to 2 parts for syndication. Giles left Buffy in season 6 because he wanted to move back to England to be with his family had nothing to do with moving to another network. Season 6 is by far the darkest season so will be interesting to see how you react to it. I personally love the first few episodes and last few episodes of the season with the some of the middle episodes being some of the worst episodes of the whole show but i love the series so even the worst episodes are better than most television shows. It also has my one of my favorite episodes of the show this season.

Flora Smith

S6 & 7 not comparable to Dexter or Lost. They (S6 particularly) are the favorite seasons of a lot of people. And a lot of people disagree, but they are definitely not universally despised. I love them.


Agree with watching the 2 parter has one ep..but I guess if no one told Steven it originally aired as a 2 hour long season premiere he wouldn’t have known 😢


You seem to forget that Giles was ready to leave in season 5. Literally the only thing that stops him is Buffy asking that he become her watcher again. While I understand your reasoning for thinking he should stay for Dawn, I think without Buffy being his Slayer, Giles is right back in the situation where he no longer has a real place in Sunnydale. Legally, he can't do much for Dawn. The other scoobies are growing more and more into adulthood and needing him less and less. Only difference is now he has the added emotional torment of believing he got his Slayer killed in the line of duty with Sunnydale being a constant reminder. I also noticed that airport scene is altered slightly. Like dialogue is missing. I wonder if you're watching an edited for syndication version. My only advice about these next two seasons is this. Please try to go on the ride they're creating. If you keep trying to guess what was going on behind the scenes you're gonna sabotage yourself. Experience the story for what it is. If you hate it, that's fine. Season six was definitely not my favorite when I first watched it as a teenager. As an adult, I actually prefer this season to most of the others. You being older already, I imagine you could go either way. Just give the story a fair shot.

s jaco

My top 3 seasons have always been 5, 6 and 7. But it's very divided to be honest. So, see for yourself :-) But I would definitely recommend like mentioned above to watch the full version of the episodes, instead of the ones that are cut.

Briony Addey

The writers never knew if the season they were writing/filming would be the last. S5 was never the series finale. Yes, they didn't know if they'd be making s6, but they never knew if they'd be making another. WB marketed s5e22 as a series finale, but it was just a marketing thing.


To answer a couple of your questions, first, yes, Angel was renewed. That was never going to be the finale of Angel. Second, about new slayers getting called when the old one dies, you have to think about it as a sort of hereditary line. In season 1, the line ended with Buffy. When the Master killed her, Kendra was called, and at that point, the line ended with Kendra. From then on, Buffy dying again wouldn't result in a new slayer being called. Kendra died, and the line moved to Faith. So the only reason there'd be a new slayer would be if Faith died, and following Angel Season 1, Faith is presumably off in prison somewhere while Eliza Dushku does different TV shows.

Nica Marie

I don't understand why the scoobies are afraid of Hank Summers calling and finding out Buffy's dead. Did he call after Joyce died? Did he come to the funeral? Has he checked up on them once? No. So why would he swoop in now when he clearly doesn't give a *&^%?


Season 6 has my favorite episode of the series & season 7 is my favorite season but that is my opinion everyone is different.


I personally enjoy season 6, but I get why a lot of people don’t. Excited to see how you feel about it!

Reed James

I love season 6. I think Anya doesn't want Giles to leave, but she doesn't like the is he going or not going. It's uncertainty and she doesn't handle that. So if he's going to leave, she wants it just to be over with.

DJ Doena

There's a whole contractual science about who gets credited where in the main credits. Which position, with an "and" at the end and so on. Let's just say, beside top billing being an "and" at the end is more important than being someone somewhere in the middle.

Kyle Jordan Ashley Brown

Yey season 6 is here 😄😊 Same, I was so worried when I saw the lack of Giles in the intro episode 1as well as other changes/decisions - however go with and I think you'll be very surprised and happy with how some things unfold Steven 😇 x


first, whoever told you there are no more cross overs from this point on...that's not true lol. there are. second, in terms of how the fandom feels about season 6, it's pretty split. this is by far the most polarizing season of the show. the writers make some bold choices and people either love them or hate them.


also, at this point faith is the active slayer so she would need to die in order to get a new one.


I don’t know if you realised but ‘the gift’ was the 100th episode and why the flashes of all the episodes was at the start 🥰


A new slayer isn't called because Faith is the slayer. So only a new slayer would be called if Faith died.


Yes Season 6 gets some hate but it's my favorite season so I'm excited to see your reactions

john segun doe

this for me was the most boring/lackluster premier of the series honestly

Ray D

This and the next episode are a true 2 parter. It’s hard to just this on its own. They aired this as a 2 hour premiere when it first aired. My first time through I didn’t really like season 6 all that much. There were some decisions that I didn’t like at all. I have since come around to a lot the stuff I didn’t like and now like the season as a whole much more (there is still a stretch of episodes at one point that I’m not wild about still). As for Giles, I believe that it was Anthony Heads decision to step back from the show. He wanted to go back England in his real life and spend more time with his family there. I don’t think budget had anything to do with it. In fact, I believe that the budget is higher on UPN than it was for the first 5 seasons on WB.

Tammy L. Faulkner

I'm guessing not EVERYONE understood Tara's little finger monster gift to Giles. After each ep of Buffy what did we always see? A terrible looking little monster drawing passing by the screen saying, GRRR ARRG!

Thom Purdy

There are several parts of scenes missing from this version of the episode. Make sure you have the correct, complete version of the episode.


Yeah...I actually love that they included that. It makes me smile every time!


The reason I think this premier isn't landing well with you is that this wasn't the whole premier. Episode 1 and 2 aired as one premier originally and are meant to be viewed together. You only got half the story they were trying to tell with the premier. Also...trust Joss on the story he is telling. I remember you hated the beginning of season 5 because you didn't know what was happening. Season 6 is a bit like that too...you just have to wait and see where they go with it. Personally I think season 6 has some of the best episodes in the entire series! Also...there are more crossovers. I'm not sure who told you that...but they were wrong. As for the Spike's crush on Buffy...I think it's no more creepy than Damon's crush on Elena in TVD. Yes, Spike took it too far with his robo-Buffy. However, it's clear how much he cares for her by his reaction at the end of 522 when he saw she's dead and then in this episode throughout. They actually have been building this crush for quite some time. You can even see bits of it in the early seasons.

Daniel R

I never liked Anya, I guess I like her more now watching along with you but she's still my least favorite along with Xander


I think you're giving the new network too much weight on the decisions they took. As far as I know, the writer team had complete creative control. In fact, UPN was a pretty new network back then and didn't have standards for showing certain stuff on screen, so they got away with things they wouldn't probably have if they were still on WB, but that's about it

Katherine Thoreson

So the show was having funding issues. There was a lot of fighting within the network about money. When they had the party for 5x22, the 100th episode, which is supposed to be a happy moment, but Joss said that there was a lot of tension because of the money problems. He wrote the season 5 finale as a series finale just in case the show didn't get picked back up. UPN came in and saved the show, so we got 2 more seasons. However, at the time, we didn't know this. We went through the entire summer with no news on if the show was being picked back up or not. That was just pretty much it. It was right as the new television fall series was starting in general that we finally got the news that Buffy would be returning.

Moon Logic

If you think about it, it makes a lot of sense for Spike to struggle against a vampire that is equally strong but much heavier. Buffy also often struggles against larger vampires, because while she is stronger and faster, they have more mass than her.

Svetlana Grabar

I have a question about your rating system (sorry if answered before) I feel like most of your episodes ratings are 7-9. You’ve been doing it for a while so I know it’s hard to change now, but would a different ranking system be better? It feels like there’s a huge difference between barely an 8 and a strong 8, but they are both 8s, you know? Also love the reactions :D

Nicholas Mims

So a big thing about the opening credits especially around these times was that it was a highly coveted spot to be either first or last named in the opening credits. They usually reserved those spots for the roles with the most significance to the story/show!

Leora Nechama

I really like season 6. You can definitely tell already it's a slightly darker season but I enjoy the more mature themes.