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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Rafael Lemus

hey Steven. Appreciate u getting the episodes of Angel out so quickly so u can start reactions to S6 of Buffy. I love both but i know not everyone watches Angel, so i just wanted to say thanks.

john segun doe

yezir LESSSSSS GET IT. 2fer


Not enough focus on Gunn? It's been at least like 5 episode with focus on Gunn and the relations with his old gang alone. For me, Wesley is the one who (so far) has been the most underutilized. I think there only has been 1 max 2 episodes Wesley-centric.


wes has had way more development than gunn though because he's been in the buffyverse since buffy season 3. i think what steven is saying is that next to fred, gunn is essentially the character we knew the least about. and it's nice to see his storyline progressing.

Ray D

I used to really dislike this episode but I’ve come around to it. Gio is just so over the top as an asshole and villain that it’s the only thing I remember from the episode. But Gunn’s pain and conflicted nature is actually really great stuff. Another thing that always bothered me about the Gunn and his crew episodes is that there weren’t any people of color writing on the show and I think that makes almost everything that Gunn and his crew say sound like what a white writer things black people say and I feel like it come off disingenuous. But overall still a better episode than I usually give it credit for

Daniel R

Love this episode

Alexis Cardarella

I really loved the comedy elements of the episode and what Gunn was going through, but, yes, Gio’s character was unbelievably obnoxious. Like, really, i couldn’t take it seriously, his remarks were TOO over the line. That remark he made about Gunn and his sister.. think he was saying Gunn secretly wishes he was a vampire? Maybe? That really confused me too