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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



I kinda understand why May is acting the way she is. Coulson died and was revived using alien blood which made him go crazy and now he's keeping secrets from her, the only person he's not supposed to keep secrets from. From our point of view, because we know he's the protagonist we automatically trust him and we don't question his decisions or intentions. However, from Bobbi, Mack, and now May's point of view they really don't know if he's in the right mind to be the director


Watching this season for the first time I was 100% on Coulson's side but rewatching it I'm starting to really understand Bobbi and Mack's side as well. It's why the "Real SHIELD" storyline isn't my favorite storyline because it's one of the few times that I wasn't completely on Coulson's side. I'm kinda like May in this situation where I know Coulson is good, but given the fact that he has alien blood in him and he likes to keep secrets and not explain his thinking process at times, it's hard to really know if he's ok.