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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Alexis Cardarella

I want to give this episode an 8/9 (mainly because Alex and Marissa). This show is an overall feel good show. At its best, it’s a great teen drama with compelling characters and storylines. But the show absolutely has its missteps, and, one can say, it’s fluctuated in quality so far. I think most people find themselves critiquing it a lot just like you do. So, don’t sweat it.


For me, it's an 8 - 9 as well, mostly because of Summer and Seth and the great depiction of the heart wanting what it wants. I hate Marissa and Alex especially because the fans make such a big deal out of them. It's obvious Julie was right and Alex it's a phase, just like the gardener, and whenever Ryan is around and needs her, Marissa is there - another depiction of the heart wants what it wants. I think you are missing the point, Steven, you are looking through mature eyes at this and fail to take into consideration what the characters feel. Summer was always in love with Seth and Zack was just a really good rebound, and Marissa it's just passing time until she and Ryan are right again. Lindsay was always annoying to me so thank god she's out. I am not even going into the Sandy storyline cause you already said what everyone, including me, was thinking.


I agree that neither Seth nor Sandy deserve to be this easily forgiven. But just bc Kirsten and Summer chose to stand by them, doesn't mean that everything is alright again. Plus, I think in this episode Seth really tried to let Summer go .. yes he still called her and everything, but he didn't make any moves on her or tried to win her back this time. And Summer had to make this choice now bc it would've been unfair to Zach to go with him to Italy and everything when she clearly still loves Seth. As for Sandy and Kirsten: Sandy may have made the right choice now, but that doesn't mean that everything is good now between him and Kirsten again. Let's see how Kirsten will handle it..

PamPam and her PamPams

I loved the spiderman thing cause seth is such a nerd 🙃


The episode is an 8-9 for me as well. I'm not mad at you, but a little disappointed that you don't seem to be enjoying the episodes as much anymore. Or like you said you keep trashing the characters. But it's okay! I think they shouldn't have brought Rebecca back for one last episode, but instead have Sandy squirm alone for a little bit. Then maybe their kiss at the end hadn't felt so underserved. I agree with you on that. BUT how dare you call the Spiderman kiss stupid 😂 It's one of the most iconic tv kisses of the early 2000's! And yep Seth is very problematic on my standards but I let it go and root for them. At the end of the day it's just a teen drama.


But I gotta say the second half of this season is really fun! At least in my opinion. There are a couple things coming I know for sure you will enjoy :)


The heart wants want it wants- exactly. I feel like Steven views romantic SL’s with a bit too much of a practical eye, and that’s just not how romance works.


Oh gosh I love love love this episode! & they get good from here BYE Lindsey she sucks lol


Seth and summer love eachother they are meant to be!! The Spider-Man kiss is so iconic!


You seem extra grumpy during these! You definitely don’t have to watch them if you’re not enjoying them. Take care Steven.


I think for some of these you have to think in the brain of a 16-year-old kid mostly girls watching this back in the 2000s so of course they’re going to write the show with a silly lovey-dovey upside down Spiderman kiss because we all love it so much and the show was supposed to be cheese and young teens being stupid that’s why the storyline still makes sense and are all over the place because it supposed to be teenagers just growing up being in love