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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



In a series that has a lot of really good scenes, Lionel finally having the yellow square around his head is still one of my favorites.


Only four episodes left. :(

Ghost Mom

I can see why you gave it a 9. The voice is one of those villains that definitely needed to come back and I think if the show hadn't been canceled he would have had a larger arc this season. Also I love the subtle implication that over 7000 simulations Samaritan could not appropriately predict how root would behave since she never turns the gun on herself in the simulations.


Here we go, Steven. Enjoy this moment. For we enter the final 4 and we are in for the final arc. If you want to do live for this remainder of the season the next episode would be where you start. Also, I know it might be unrealistic but you should seriously consider watching the final 4 episodes in the same day, even if you don't release them on the same day. They are interconnected and it's the final showdown. You will not regret it doing so, because all the feels and interconnections are worth the time you take to do them one after the other.


I agree, he had the idea for the last 3 episodes for the live stream, but it should be last 4, dont wanna say more because spoilers but please consider this Steven!


At least I hope he takes my advice on watching the episodes on the same day, for suspense and continuity.