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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Tammy L. Faulkner

Geesh... really hard on Will. All he did was show Emma she's got support. Besides, they should have been together from the start. F-Terry... Carl wasn't perfect and Gwyneth Paltrow wasn't in it for the long road. It's WillMa and should be WillMa.

I Am Not Chamari

I agree that it's a filler episode but it's memorable to me because I really love "All By Myself," "Ain't No Way" and "Turning Tables" as performances. Storywise, it's quite weak, but I appreciate they at least tried to grapple with why Rachel is "the star" when Mercedes is more talented (imo) than she is.


For me this episode is the weakest of season 2 story wise, but song wise it's really good. The best song is definitely Aint no way Mercedes killed it and she is so under appreciated its horrible, she is literally better than Rachel in ever way and yet Rachel is the one who always gets the spotlight, Mercedes deserves that spotlight and I am glad she got it this episode although I wish it was in a better episode. I follow rivers is an amazing Tina solo if you listen to the full version, the show did her so dirty its gross. My favorite scene was definitely the Klaine and Santana scene where Santana stuck up to Karofsky and defended Kurt and Blaine, they are my three favorite characters so it was amazing to see. The sue story line as well as the will storyline with Holly was horrible I just do not give a shit. I am looking forward to seeing your reaction for next ep, it's definitely a way better episode than this one!

Zoe Hart

Listening to Charice/Sunshine singing All By Myself on Glee once again reminds me of just how much they toned her down so she wouldn't completely outshine everyone else. Listen to her live versions to understand why.

Júlia S. Spanopoulos

Yes, yes, yes! We would 100% be happy with MORE GLEE! <3


I’m so mad at how dirty they did Tina. I Follow Rivers is her best solo and they didn’t even let her finish it. You should listen to the full studio version, it SLAPS. Listening to Mercedes sing Ain’t No Way was an out of body experience. She killed it. Amazing. I have no words, I’m just speechless at how much of a good singer she is. I’m not worthy to listen to her.

Clay W

You're pretty much on point with your opinion. This was definitely a filler episode. I only liked two songs, Sunshine and Mercedes, both other than that I tend to skip this one.

Staton Chapman

I actually dont get all the dislike for mrs. Holliday. I actually like her

Emily (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-08 19:55:47 Yeap this is definitely a filler episode and one I tend to skip on rewatch. The only good part of the episode was Mercedes & Sunshine’s solos in my opinion. Ain’t No Way is one of my favorite glee covers. It’s hard to do queen Aretha justice but Amber kills it every single time. Amber Riley voice is out of this world amazing & Glee did her character dirty everytime, it’s ridiculous. Also I would 100% be here for multiple glee’s a week, hopefully you can convince Steven because that would be awesome.
2020-12-07 08:39:00 Yeap this is definitely a filler episode and one I tend to skip on rewatch. The only good part of the episode was Mercedes & Sunshine’s solos in my opinion. Ain’t No Way is one of my favorite glee covers. It’s hard to do queen Aretha justice but Amber kills it every single time. Amber Riley voice is out of this world amazing & Glee did her character dirty everytime, it’s ridiculous. Also I would 100% be here for multiple glee’s a week, hopefully you can convince Steven because that would be awesome.

Yeap this is definitely a filler episode and one I tend to skip on rewatch. The only good part of the episode was Mercedes & Sunshine’s solos in my opinion. Ain’t No Way is one of my favorite glee covers. It’s hard to do queen Aretha justice but Amber kills it every single time. Amber Riley voice is out of this world amazing & Glee did her character dirty everytime, it’s ridiculous. Also I would 100% be here for multiple glee’s a week, hopefully you can convince Steven because that would be awesome.

Aaron Lopez

I will not tolerate the Holly hate. I listen to her version of Turning Tables constantly!!