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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



I’m so exited for this show..and I reacted exactly like u are..so shit scared but I’m so excited to see u experience the whole story. It’s just amazing


Yes that was a face behind the ladder in the basement :) Glad you caught it!


A detail you missed last episode.. They showed Shirley going to visit Theo in the middle of the night last episode. They showed her walking outside and then we heard Theo scream and turn on the light (the exact same clip as in this ep). Many viewers first assume that moment is when Theo gets the call about Nellie, but now we see it from her pov and find out what actually happened. Also, in Shirley's episode she was telling her kids what happened to Nellie. In this episode we find out she wasn't sure what to tell them and it was Theo who told her what to say.

Siti Dee

YES! finally! THE episode that kept me going! Gotta give this a 10 for my girl Theo. She's my fav sibling until we dived into 4 & 5! Luke and Nell's episode! Protect the twins at all costs! 😭 I think you're one of those rare reactors that actually caught the face behind the ladder! Which I find impressive consider you were covering your face most of the time lmao! Maybe it's a good idea to record your reactions for this show in a broad daylight😂 Just one thing I wanna say though, all of your questions will be answered. It will make alot of sense in the end, I promise you.

Siti Dee

I also would like to add that I'm actually impressed at how you get it once you saw how Theo reacted in the basement scene while she was lying on the couch. I say impressive cuz (in what I observed) most of the male reactors didn't get that until she held out her hand to shake that shitstain pedo foster dad's hand. While the female reactors (most of them) would get it with a click of their fingers. So 10/10 to your reaction, seriously!


Same! I knew instantly what was going on when she started reacting on the couch, and have been surprised-but-not-surprised that other male reactors were so slow to get it.


I love this episode/Theo. I like that a core concept of the little girl's storyline is that sometimes human beings in the real world can be more terrifying than the "monsters" we can conjure in our imagination. I like when supernatural shows do that.

Nan A

Guys.. Steve caught a glimpse of something in the background. Do we tell him? Haha...Lets not tell him till he finishes.

Idun V

I'm the same as you, I don't think I could ever live in a house, although in my case it's because of the fact that it feels like it would be so much easier for people to break in and stuff. It's the same reason I don't want to live on the bottom floor in an apartment building. And yes, that was a face in the basement, I was equally confused the first time I saw it.

Ghost Mom

Nothing wrong with being scared, gender and age is irrelevant. This show is fricking terrifying. Much easier to rewatch it once you know whats going on. So well done though. Theo is my favorite character.

Philip Lee

Hahahaha. I loved the aggressive “You wanted to play. Enjoy the basement!!” When Luke was in the dumbwaiter. Great reaction!


Yeah I've noticed the same thing. Although I'm not surprised that Steven immediately put two and two together.

Sonia Deepak

You're not overreacting Steven! I'm too scared so I when I watch these reactions I pull the browser window so that the show part is off screen and I can only see your reaction and hear the audio lol. Ghosts are way more scary than monsters!


I love how this show laces a bit of supernatural sensitivity, mental illness, dreams, monsters we create as kids to cope with trauma, actual ghosts, hallucinations, addiction... They run them all together and create confusion as far as what is real and in some cases they become indistinguishable. Which puts us in the exact same position as the characters... Seriously this show is a fucking masterpiece.


Theo is NOT in denial. She said she realized it was "ALL IN HER HEAD". Cause that's where she sees things. Example: She saw nothing in the basement even though Luke did. In the "last night" scene When her Dad grabbed her she didn't see anything in front of her... she saw it in her head. OH and that's not a zombie it is nothing physical. It could be a ghost at a different stage of decomp or maybe Luke got scared and was just seeing things that weren't there. Maybe the "monster" was just his eyes "playing tricks on him". The point is it's not a zombie.


now the show is really kicking into gear. i tried to watch this show on my own and the first two episodes were a bit dull and slow paced for me so i stopped watching. i decided to give episode 3 a chance with you by watching your reaction and this episode was by far the best one so far and has now made me want to tune back in and keep watching.