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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Valencia Lanier

There was no situation that could have been better for Loreli to pay her parents backs. Emily would have always made a big issue out of it and Richard knew it too if he didn’t even want Emily to know about the money. Remember Emily was upset when Grams was going to give Rory money and basically made Loreli feel insecure about it. She feels that it’s the only way to be in their lives by forcing them to participate in dinner etc in relation to a loan. Which is why Loreli didn’t want to take the loan when the house had termites. Emily just needs to come to terms with their past and let it go. They don’t need to show up every week to be in their lives. It is a bit controlling along with the fear of never seeing them again. The issue is Emily and Richard’s need to control is the thing that pushes Loreli away. It’s a good thing Loreli paid her parents back and they made it a bad thing on her birthday no less. She felt happy about paying off a debt. But then this is the same people who wouldn’t even let her blow out her own birthday candles because hey think it’s childish. Controlling that little thing on her birthday, they can’t even help it. And then mocked her for it. It seems small but imagine all the little things and then the big ones. Its too much.

Marissa Brady

This episode really showed the dynamics between the family. I felt really sorry for Richard in this episode. He's stuck between a rock and hard place when his wife and his daughter go after each other like that. It seems to me like he got stuck playing the mediator role between them. That role is never fun. Especially if they are stubborn like Lorelai and Emily are. The problem again with this situation is the fact that it took using that loan to get Lorelai to even visit them. That's a hard thing to let go of. If Lorelai had visited them and kept them up to date on her life before she asked for that loan, then her mother might not have reacted so badly to her paying back the loan. I understand the need that lorelai had for wanting to keep her distance from her parents, but she still could have picked up the phone and called them to update them on her and Rory's life. That's why Emily was so freaked out about the money being returned. She thinks that Lorelai will never want to talk to her again. Yes, Lorelai had every right to pay that loan back and yes it was a good thing that she did. However, Lorelai has shown nothing but disdain for anything that involved her parents and her parents being controlling have nothing to do with that. So, they have no reason to believe Lorelai's word that she will want to show up on Friday's and continue to have dinner with them. She even said that when she gave them back the loan. There would only be the "occasional" Friday night dinner.