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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



That Klaus and Caroline scene warms my heart!


Jeremy is Elena's brother but she doesn't own him. She had no right to take his free will away. I'm on Bonnie's side.


Also The Other Show The Originals and Legacies do so much better with POC characters! One of the many reasons I think think The Originals is better then Tvd! And Legacies has a lot of POC and LGBT people!


I always think somethings wrong wit my audio then when one of u talk, I’m like okay 😂😂


Honestly I’m on Bonnie’s side in this situation. I understand Elena is just looking out for her brother, but she’s not his guardian and he’s not five years old. She shouldn’t take his free will away. Anyways this was a great reaction! I love this show and it’s always great hearing your thoughts on it.

kyra bah

I definitely agree. Like how big elena was on making her own choices in season 2 but then she takes jeremys choices away from him.


Ummm Bonnie did nothing wrong. Her telling Elena that she is taking Jeremy choices is 100% right as yes Jeremy is her brother but that doesn't give her the right to get Damon to compel his free will away and honesty i feel like you keep being too harsh on bonnie this season with the whole calling her not wanting to talk to Jeremy after he cheated on her with an ghost petty drama and now with her trying to put elena in her place about taking her brother's freewill away from him


Anyways stan Bonnie being the best character


Elena is the older sibling and Jeremy is 16 years old right? And in this situation who is the guardian? Is it Ric? Is it Elena? If they went to court one of them would be his Guardian. She has every right to protect Jeremy even if it’s from himself. Bonnie has no say in the matter. Just because she liked him for a few months dosnt meant she can tell Elena how to raise her younger brother. If a young teenager is putting themselves in dangerous situations is it not the parents job to protect them. Elena did dumb stuff as well in season 1 and 2 and I would always mention why is her aunt letting her do any of it.


I don’t think I’m being too harsh on Bonnie, I’m saying how I feel about what Bonnie is doing. When she got mad at Jeremy over the ghost thing I asked is it really cheating and didn’t think her reaction was justified. I think I even mentioned that if someone you love dies are you not allowed to think about them or miss them when you are with someone else. Because Jeremy and Bonnie dated for very little up to that point. So her getting as mad as she did over the ghost thing felt like a bit much to me.

kyra bah

I feel like it wasn’t the fact the Jeremy was going away I feel like it was more that elena used compulsion to do it without his knowledge. That’s more what bonnie was highlighting like he doesn’t even get to voice his opinion on the matter. Elena definitely has the right to protect Jeremy but she also shouldn’t control his life without his input at all.


yeah but she wouldn't say that she wishes that Aunt Jenna would have Damon compel her so why is it ok that Elena has took Jeremy's freewill away by having Damon compel him

Stefan Davis

The issue here is Elainas always preaching about making her own choices but than takes away Jeremys choice and no she isn’t obligated to tell Bonnie but fact she didn’t just further makes the point that she know she was wrong.....it’s just the principle of the matter Klause and Caroline........... And The Originals and Legacies do a much better job with the minorities it’s almost as if they knew they dropped the ball with it in TVD.....add that with the fact that both fans/non fans had expressed this issue in the past

Josh Lomax

I mean its typical. Depends on your viewpoint. Every kid ever has bitched about making their own choices in spite of their parents. However, when those same kids become parents, they do the same thing because they need to protect their child. Jeremy is like Elena's kid, so I dont blame her.

Tendai kangas

I understand Bonnies point and I understand she is trying to be a voice of reason, but then again it is not really her position to say even though I do agree with her. She has no authority to judge but Elena has no authority to change someones life without consent either. It's a bit conflicting but it's fun to see peoples views on it. Klaus and Caroline are magnetic for some reason..


Hahahaha omg I'm dying... your narration to the Damon happy scene "cause he got to kiss Elena and Elena didn't kick him in the balls or nothin" I too love/hate the scene where Stefan threatens to turn her into a vampire. The fact that Elena thought Stefan might really turn her into a vampire (I was actually scared he was actually going to do it too) shows how far Stefan's character has gone down the rabbit hole.

Sade L.

#TeamBonnie 💁🏾‍♀️😂


Klaus has a soft spot for Caroline & It’s very heartwarming to see❤️ Lol I love their dynamic, but my sister hates it so much! lol to each their own!

Fly on the Wall

I see the Bonnie stans are out in full force. They never see when Bonnie is being too much or makes rash choices.

Whitney McGriff

I can already tell by the comments this guy is complaining about Bonnie once again.. oh well.. she's still the best character <3

Fly on the Wall

You can think a character is the best and still call them out when they do things you don't agree with.


bonnie literally saved his life and he repayed her by lying and cheating (yes it was cheating). now elana wants to erase his mind and make decisions for him (even though she saw how upset it made him the first time they did it to him). bonnie, being the selfless person that she is, STILL believes he deserves to know the truth and not be lied to even though he literally just lied to her. out of everyone in this situation, bonnie comes out looking the best imo. she continues to care for these people and put their happiness above hers time and time again.


Wtf is wrong with this comment section?? Everyone is talking about the whole bonnie situation......ARE WE JUST GONNA IGNORE KLAROLINE!???


I like that atleast you are honest with your opinions..and don't change them just because people disagree with you

Emil Ganev

No one is talking about the perfect acting of Nina Dobrev and Paul Wesley , every episode all the comments are about some Bonnie bullshit

Exiled1 (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-08 19:56:22 Can everyone stop talk about the Bonnie and Jeremy cheating thing already it does not matter these are fictional characters and everyone is in titled to their own opinions, just focus on what happen on the show instead of trying to debate if something wrong or no. it’s drama show for a reason and if you keep whining about this I think it just going to distract us from enjoying these scenes as viewers/reactors of this show. P.S. Please just enjoy the show guys, and knock it off guys >:(
2020-12-06 05:47:04 Can everyone stop talk about the Bonnie and Jeremy cheating thing already it does not matter these are fictional characters and everyone is in titled to their own opinions, just focus on what happen on the show instead of trying to debate if something wrong or no. it’s drama show for a reason and if you keep whining about this I think it just going to distract us from enjoying these scenes as viewers/reactors of this show. P.S. Please just enjoy the show guys, and knock it off guys >:(

Can everyone stop talk about the Bonnie and Jeremy cheating thing already it does not matter these are fictional characters and everyone is in titled to their own opinions, just focus on what happen on the show instead of trying to debate if something wrong or no. it’s drama show for a reason and if you keep whining about this I think it just going to distract us from enjoying these scenes as viewers/reactors of this show. P.S. Please just enjoy the show guys, and knock it off guys >:(

Molly C

Not defending it because its still a problem that they don't have more diversity in main cast, but they did shoot in Atlanta and I wonder if a lot of the people coming in for extra work were minorities and they just kill a lot of the 1 episode characters... I don't know still bad that they didn't diversify main protagonists.