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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Calvin Allen

Behind the scenes: They hadn't been doing much with the Billy character so the actor wanted out of the show and this was how they wrote him out. Also could you imagine if Starbuck had killed another one of Adama's sons?!

Reed James

Yeah, you'er on the right episode. While Dating Billy, Dee tried to hook up with Apollo but he turned her down and she kept dating Billy. Poor guy had no idea she was into someone else.


This was really well done. The really good episodes of BSG are the ones where the acting is on point, particularly from one or more of Olmos, McDonnell (good lord is she an awesome actor), Sackhoff or, occasionally, Tricia Helfer. This had quite a bit of the first three.

Janeka Rector

I agree. Starbuck and that moment of friendly fire was so nice because when she’s good, she’s amazing but there are moments like this where you remember how fallible she is.

Daniel R

I wasn't a big Dualla fan after this episode but I love how invested I got with Billy, I felt that. Great episode, love the human drama

DJ Doena

The female hostage taker is Dana Delany. She's the voice of Lois Lane on the Superman Animated series. You, Stephen, met her on Castle in that season two two-parter where she was the FBI profiler hunting that serial killer where Beckett's appartment blew up ("Federal Heat" ;-) ).