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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Siti Dee

You're about to meet my fav companion! (After Donna) Clara Oswald ❤ and my most fav season with the 11th Doctor! Let's goooooo


Remember what you wanted for Amy in her first season? Welcome to Clara Oswald, the companion who is exactly what you described lol. I love this episode so much, it's my favorite Christmas special.


You're getting into some of my favorite Who in the near future, super excited to see your reactions.


I'm apparently not the only one, but this is probably my favorite Christmas episode of Who.


I heard they didn't shoot "P.S." because they were already doing Amy's "Afterward" where she writes her own letter to the Doctor at the end of their last episode. They didn't want P.S. to take anything away from that moment and probably vice versa as well.

Daniel R

"It's... smaller on the outside!" I love Clara because of this, she made it her own so I'm glad she didn't 'fall in line' like everybody else.

Tammy L. Faulkner

Clara Oswin Oswald! MY FAVORITE COMPANION! yes... the confusion is real the first time around, but that's ok.

Jason Usher

Great Reaction, this is a 10 for me, it's my favorite Christmas episode by far, it's a perfect episode to me, Jenna Coleman's and Matt Smith's immediate chemistry was brilliant, I absolutely love everything to do with this Clara, also my favorite character theme is in this one, Clara's theme in this episode is just stunning, gives me chills every time I hear it, also Strax is hilarious and Madame Vastra and Jenny are awesome, also loved when Vastra said Pond and the Doctor took off Amy's reading glasses he was wearing and looked at them, a cool thing with this episode the voice of The Snow(the Great Intelligence) is Sir IAN McKellen aka Gandalf aka Magneto

silor nedercott

I really like this episode but I wish I could watch it from a non-Londoner's perspective because Jenna Coleman has the most distractingly bad cockney accent of any actor in anything in the last decade- was very relieved she didn't keep it


I think it's kind of interesting that when we watch reaction videos, we're kind of doing the same thing that the Doctor does. The Doctor takes on companions because they "can see it." He's been all around the universe but enjoys it more when he is with a companion, experiencing the true majesty of the universe through their fresh eyes. Because when they are filled with wonder, so is he. And I've seen all the episodes and enjoy seeing them again, but also enjoy it more seeing through "fresh eyes."

Jason (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-08 19:58:33 Hey Steven probably my favourite Xmas special to be honest & I love Victorian Clara. Sad you didn't say much on the new TARDIS set. I think that introduction to it is very special and interestingly it's the first TARDIS set that is truly 360. I had the opportunity to set foot inside it and I can't tell you how immersive it felt stepping through those doors and feeling enclosed inside it. RIP to it's designer Michael Pickwoad. Long story short the TARDIS set changed due to the completion of Roath Lock studios and moving from Upper Boat which had been home to Doctor Who since 2005. For whatever reason it was decided it was too hard to move the TARDIS set and instead it was redesigned at Roath Lock. To me it feels more like a proper ship now, I'll always love it 😍
2020-12-16 01:27:14 Hey Steven probably my favourite Xmas special to be honest & I love Victorian Clara. Sad you didn't say much on the new TARDIS set. I think that introduction to it is very special and interestingly it's the first TARDIS set that is truly 360. I had the opportunity to set foot inside it and I can't tell you how immersive it felt stepping through those doors and feeling enclosed inside it. RIP to it's designer Michael Pickwoad. Long story short the TARDIS set changed due to the completion of Roath Lock studios and moving from Upper Boat which had been home to Doctor Who since 2005. For whatever reason it was decided it was too hard to move the TARDIS set and instead it was redesigned at Roath Lock. To me it feels more like a proper ship now, I'll always love it 😍

Hey Steven probably my favourite Xmas special to be honest & I love Victorian Clara. Sad you didn't say much on the new TARDIS set. I think that introduction to it is very special and interestingly it's the first TARDIS set that is truly 360. I had the opportunity to set foot inside it and I can't tell you how immersive it felt stepping through those doors and feeling enclosed inside it. RIP to it's designer Michael Pickwoad. Long story short the TARDIS set changed due to the completion of Roath Lock studios and moving from Upper Boat which had been home to Doctor Who since 2005. For whatever reason it was decided it was too hard to move the TARDIS set and instead it was redesigned at Roath Lock. To me it feels more like a proper ship now, I'll always love it 😍

Nate Perkins

Originally it was going to be the Victorian Clara as the companion but last minute they wanted a modern one to be more relatable