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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Not the best season finale to me, but now you can start season 7 who is little better to me, to be fair, season 6 is my least favorite with season 1 maybe so... You'll see by yourself. Can't wait!

Calvin Allen

I loved the Cas stuff but hated Sam's portion. I'm not a big fan of Sam and the dream stuff felt like a waste especially when he was trying to figure out who he is. I mean we know who he is and they spent 15mins on him trying to figure it out. I agree that this season was disjointed and I feel like that reflected in this episode.

Daniel R

I hated season 7. I'll be back around the halfway mark of Season 8. Adios guys!


I personally loved this season finale. It's easier to understand what happened on the second viewing. The whole season everyone keeps talking about how powerful are souls. They give you power. I personally love cliffhangers I don't get why people hate them so much. But how can you say it was unsatisfying? I am the new GOD. I get chills even now. The season has a progression to finding out that the main antagonist is Cas. And everyone in this season is a misdirect, including first Samuel, then Crowley, then the Mother, then Crowley again only to find out it's Cas. For me Cas's actions make perfect sense. At first he was desperate to stop Raphael, then he made the bad decision of aligning himself to Crowley instead of talking to Dean. Then after gulping 50000 souls from hell, he got powerful and power corrupts, that's the whole point. The more he talked himself into thinking he's doing the right thing, the more corrupted he became. And now with millions of souls giving him the power of god he is fully corrupted. The endings for the Mother and Samuel feel unsatisfying because they are not important and their power pales in comparison with Cass and the way he manipulated them along with Sam and Dean. The more I analyse this season the more I appreciate it. The fans who complain about this season don't really think things through. Hopefully, you will realise how the story was meant to be told. Great reaction. Cheers.

Jeffrey Mlinek

Season 6 is BY FAR the most underrated Season of Supernatural. It takes 5-6 viewings to fully appreciate the nuances and the way everything is set up. The misdirects make the season feel convoluted. And while it is not perfect, it is easy to get caught up in things that seem like issues. Most of these issues make so much sense as you understand the the way season 6 ties together. It is not a good season to half pay attention to while on your phone and when you are watching 100 different shows in between episodes. It is hard enough when you are paying close attention.

Jeffrey Mlinek

Watch season 6 with an open mind. Season 7 as well. If you love Supernatural these seasons especially season 6 are much better when you can disconnect them from the kripke era in your mind.


Don't worry, I know it's different from season 5, we have to accept it, I don't say that season 6 is not good, there is obviously some episode that I like a lot, but the main storyline of this season wasn't my cup of tea, I'm enjoying more when they get to season 8, season 7 is enjoyable with no doubt, but again no my favorite either.


Season 6 was incredible writing. I knew it from the get go as we watched it in real time. Just a lot of fan backlash which hated that sam and Dean were fighting for the first half of it who really harp saying it was a bad season. You're right, everything was set up so intricately. A lot.of thought went into writing this season, and for the fans to bash it i can see this partly why the next season storyline just felt slapped together in comparison


The problem is he doesn't watch TV to understand, he watches to give episodes scores and then wrap his whole analysis around that one score. Basically the more an episode can actually hold his attention span, the higher he scores. He doesn't look too closely cause then it gets "complicated" as he's stated many times.

Jeffrey Mlinek

Supernatural is still good if you are just watching it surface level, but it's the deep aspects of the show that make it great. I Think it is intentionally layered to appeal to more people.


I agree, it is kind of sad....a nice part of Supernatural are the layers and deeper aspects without having to dumb down for mass appeal. There are minor plot lines he gets stuck on that have no relevance to the main storyline of a particular season or even an episode. Definitely not an unsatisfying ending for me, especially if one paid attention to Ca\stiel's monologues instead of complaining about them tbh


I don't get what was so hard to understand. Cas wanted the souls as a power up to kill Raphael. He said he was going to give half to Crowley but turned on him. Cas killed Raph and wants to kill his followers and then because the power went to his head Cas declared himself the "new God". I didn't feel that way at all about it not being satisfying. You just have to look back and see that people die on the show and sometimes you don't have the full story until the end. The mother was never the big bad of the season she came in response to Cas and Crowley killing the monsters to get to purgatory. In some ways you could say Raphael was the Big bad and needed to be stopped but with the way he went about it Cas ended up becoming the big Bad of the season. It's not that they brought stuff up and dropped it earlier in the season stuff was happening and we just didn't have the full picture of what was happening until 6x20-22.


Were you saying Baz? The other Angel is Balthazar.