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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Futuristic Girl

One of my fave episodes. The contingency plan were good. Katherine coming in and saving the day in a sense was my favorite part. Damon and Elena don't know why or the part she really played, but they couldn't know. She was the only who Klaus had told about his plan to take Damon down with him. She didn't have to try to save him. Like Stefan said she has wanted Klaus dead for centuries, but she did it to save Damon's life and Stefan's humanity. Great twists. Elena daggering Rebecca was unexpected of her. I saw what she was saying, but Rebecca wouldn't have turned. She wasn't acting shady or anything. She just wanted to go to the dance. Michael turning on them by using "Elena" as bait to kill was smart. It would've worked if it was actually Elena.

Fly on the Wall

Don't worry about the Jeremy/Bonnie situation. The Bonnie stans don't want to see it as the complicated situation that it is. He didn't break up with Anna. He loved her and she died. Jeremy even tells Elena that he loved her. He always loved HER. And he emphatically emphasizes HER. Meaning he never stopped loving her. I don't think Jeremy would be with Bonnie if Anna hadn't died and honestly the show never brings this up, but Anna's death is essentially Bonnie's fault. Anna wouldn't have been neutralized in the basement and killed by John if Bonnie hadn't betrayed Elena when she was asked to despell the devise. That betrayal is brushed off by the fans and the show so fast no one even thinks about it. What would the average person do if they could see and touch someone they lost and never got to say goodbye to? I really don't think it's comparable to seeing an ex you broke up with. Jeremy never chose to leave her and start seeing Bonnie so of course there's overlap of feelings there. Don't get me wrong, though, Bonnie herself has very right to feel hurt and to not want to see Jeremy, again.

Fly on the Wall

I can also see where you were coming from on the technically cheating as it’s kind of like cheating on someone with a memory. I’d say it was cheating, but I get the complicated nature of how we arrived at this place.


Thank you for stating my exact feelings on this matter.


Great episode one of my favorites. You got to see what happens to a vampire that Michael feeds on when he fed on Stephan. A lot of questions are not answered immediately in this show, but will be answered at some point.

Sade L.

I just love this episode. It’s one of my favorites! You mentioned that Tyler should’ve been dealt with because he’s sired to Klaus and could ruin the plan, well that’s what Damon was doing when he grabbed Tyler but Tyler tried to bite him and that’s when Bonnie stepped in. They truly thought of everything! The plan was perfect! But the twist was so insanely good😩


I love this episode. It is one of my all time favorite Stefan moments when he calls Klaus to rub it in. I'm not sure why anyone thought that Michael had killed Katherine. Vampires don't die from blood loss. I didn't even like Rebecca all that much up to this point into the show but I found myself really wanting her and Elena to be friends and I was so shocked when Elena stabbed her. But I totally understand why she did it. As for Tyler, that's why they didn't include Caroline. I think they didn't do anything else about Tyler cause that would have been an instant give away. If Tyler was suddenly missing Klaus absolutely would have known they were planning something. Yes while compulsion goes away when an Original dies we don't know enough about the sire bond to know if it remains. I don't care about the Jeremy & Bonnie thing enough to comment on it other than to say I am always impressed with how Bonnie is able to separate her feelings and not insist Elena feel the same as she does about things. Again, I love this episode. This season has managed to make Stefan into one of my favorite characters.

Fly on the Wall

Whether or not she could or couldn't do the spell is irrelevant. She didn't even try and that was never even a thought in her mind. She simply chose not. Yes, I can absolutely blame Bonnie. Damon put his trust in Elena who put her trust in Bonnie to do this very important thing and Bonnie 100% backstabbed her friend. Bonnie knew what she did was wrong as she tells Caroline she knows Elena shouldn't forgive her for betraying her trust. I hate John for killing Anna, but that doesn't make Bonnie innocent in it. She knew John's intention was to kill vampires with the devise so when she refused to unspell it, she was completely complicit in the murder of the town's vampires, Stefan, Damon and Anna included. Jeremy fell in love with Anna after he started seeing her to use her to see Vickie. This is proven in season 3 when he barely cares that he can see Vickie and tells Elena " I love her, Elena. I always loved HER." when speaking of Anna, not Vickie. Bonnie even tries to murder Damon when Caroline is first turned into a vampire, something that wasn't even his fault. Seasons 1-2 Bonnie was just a very vampire hating driven character and it caused to think irrationally when it comes to vampires in her friends lives. As someone that loves who Bonnie eventually becomes later, it's not something that can just be swept under the rug like she wasn't like that or those things didn't happen.

Ryan Pulliam

Despite some comments unintentionally being spoilers, seeing Mikael again is not out of the question, because the originals may be a prequel series. I definitely agree he is a cool villain. Sebastian Roche brings a lot of good stuff to that character.


You said they should have done something with Tyler but they did. Damon was gonna put him down for a while until Tyler tried to bite him. So Bonnie put him to sleep

Ryan Pulliam

No offense to you, but this is what I am talking about. Comments like this spoil the spinoffs for him, because he doesn't need to know this


Bhliss..there literally was no need to say that...🤦‍♀️


Bruh if he still wants to see anna.. he should just break up with Bonnie..but hiding his relationship with Anna is literally cheating, I just don't get how you can even defend him


The chat between klaus and Mickael is probably one of the best tvd scenes

Fly on the Wall

Because I can see things from more than one side and look at things as objectionably as possible. Your murdered girlfriends coming back life is a once in a lifetime type of situation. It hits you off guard and you have no idea how to handle. I already said he cheated. I just understood why Steven called it technically because in a way she's not even real, but I personally called it cheating. That said, you aren't aren't going to dump your girlfriend to date a ghost. And I don't think Bonnie would feel any less hurt if he did technically dump her first. She was here for this short window and everyone involved knew Anna wasn't staying. So there was no permeance to even think about those kinds of options. And as I already stated, Bonnie has every right to be mad and terminate her relationship with Jeremy.


I think you're forgetting that we didn't have a weapon to kill klaus until now..so thats why they didn't kill him before...he is half Warewolf,so the silver daggers don't work on him, because silver heals a warewolf

Daniel R

I can't be the only one who notices every time Bonnie is on screen Steven finds something to distract himself with 🤔 did you find what you were looking for? lol

john segun doe

Yah also idk y he asks us for things that would potentially be spoilers. smh I'm always like "bro ffs just keep watching and all will be answered"

Whitney McGriff

Nope not the only one.. he doesn't like her, was very vocal about it in the beginning about not liking witches. But my goodness let it be Elena and Stefan boring chemistry, he's all eyes lol