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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Are you in a diaper? hahahaha....i died

Fredrik IB

I have to say, Casey's speech at the end that culminates in "all you need's the girl" is fantastic. In regards to Sarah going undercover to Volkoff Industries and Chuck's mum (Mary) being there for so long, I will say this: Mary's objective was never to take down the man Alexei Volkoff, but his entire network. Clearly, she hasn't succeeded for 2 decades or so and having someone to conspire with inside Volk Ind would be quite useful. Mary should've never gone undercover, because clearly she didn't know how to take down the network. She got stuck there because of the fact that Volkoff fell in love with her, which made her a massive intelligence asset. She took a risk, and well... It didn't really pay out, or at least not yet. That's how I see it, anyway. Great reaction, though. The cockblock right before the proposal was a true gut punch.