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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



So... no Park's and Rec this week?? It's went from Mondays to Wednesdays to Thursday to Friday with nothing...


I'll add my two cents to everyone else's. As everyone pointed out, originally, this was hailed as the Series Finale of the show when it aired. In fact it wasn't until a few days before the premiere that UPN announced they had picked up the show after WB canceled it. Joss' intent was to cap off all the character arcs with this episode. Buffy dies saving the world and her sister. Anya dies in Xander's arms. Sidebar: Joss planned to kill Anya here, but she got to live because Emma Caufield kept moving while being held by Nicholas Brendan, so Joss kept her alive. Willow gets Tara back. Originally Spike was supposed to die at that moment where he tries to rescue Dawn. Doc was supposed to stake him after their dialogue. It was Joss' FU to James Marsters. Joss for the longest time didn't like what James was doing with the character of Spike but it resonated with the audience and the ratings were up whenever he was around so he kept him. But from the beginning, Spike was meant to die. Angel was supposed to kill him after turning evil to cement how cool he was. Joss confronted James about the way he was playing Spike after the character took off with the audience, because Spike was portraying him as a romantic poet rather than a souless killer. In Marsters own words: To his credit, I think Joss [Whedon] does not believe that evil is cool,” Marsters continued. “He thinks that evil is laughable. And I agree and that’s why his vampires were hideously ugly when we bite someone because he doesn’t want that to be a sensual kind of shot. He got talked into one romantic vampire character, that was Angel. David Greenwalt, bless his heart, talked him into that character and then Angel just took right off. I don’t think that Spike was designed to be a romantic character. I remember when after a couple episodes, the fan reaction was that I was a romantic character. Joss backed against the wall and said, ‘I don’t care how popular you are, kid. You are dead. You are dead, you hear me?’ I was was just like, ‘It’s your ball dude. Like whatever, just don’t kill me now. Just give me the five episodes. I’m poor. He said that I was a soulless vampire that didn’t care about anybody. I said, ‘Yeah Joss, you got it. You got it.’ And he turned his back with like, ‘eff that.’ Because I’ve learned that as an actor if you find the love, you find the gold in the mountain. You find the jet fuel. You find the thing that will connect you to the audience. What does your character love? And it could be loved, denied, love the crushed, or any kind of love. That’s what’s going to connect. And I was like, well I’m going to find the love and so I found it in Drusilla. I actually started undercutting Joss’ theme from the beginning because I needed a job. I was a new father and getting diapers overwhelmed anything, any respect I had for Joss was… Gerber baby food and healthcare.” So Joss was gonna kill off Spike again here, with that whole exchange to kind of be like "Okay, thats what they want with the character, this is what the audience gets." So the scene was to play out as- Doc : I don't smell anywhere on you, why do you care? Spike: I made a promise to a lady. Doc: Oh? I'll send the lady you're regrets. Stake through the heart, Dawn watches him die, he looks at her realizing he failed. But, Marti Noxon talked him out of killing Spike. Her arugment was that it makes more sense if Spike cries after watching Buffy die cause that's true to the character. So they did that. Then the show got picked up by UPN, Joss stepped down and handed the reins over to Noxon while he made Firefly. The rest is history. That's your Buffy history lesson for the day.

Daniel R

Your reaction when Michael tombstoned that guy was hilarious. Legit broke that guys neck lmao

Breanna B

So when we started the season we were at Birkhoff's house. That was the one that was eventually attacked. Then they temporarily set up in an office building, and then we got this house. I think the view you're referencing is when Sean came to take out Team Nikita. We get a shot of the exterior when he was setting up to shoot and then Alex took him down. But since they turned Sean and no one else knew where he was, they didn't have to leave.