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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Dani C

Woot! That's Saturday evening sorted then.


I think the Dr definitely felt remorse. There's a difference between someone who has no conscience in what they've done so feels nothing other than maybe proud of their sick actions, and someone who feels the consequences of their actions, but is also still defensive of them. I think the dr, remembering all their names still, understood the weight of what he did and felt the guilt for it, but having done such horrific things, desperately tried to justify it in his own mind 'it was war, I had no choice, it wasn't really my true self' etc seems like a normal response of a guilty person to me. And Amy had it right. They couldn't be like him, they had to be better than him. It is the wiser, better person who can try to make peace when it's HARD to make peace, when you want nothing more than to use violence, and to realize violence begets violence and ultimately doesn't resolve anything. It just gets rid of the competition, the problem, but doesn't stop it from happening again with the next person if someone doesn't find a better resolution. It's why wars still happen. Because people don't have the patience and maturity yet as a species to just let others leave as they want as long as they're not harming anyone else, and those who harm others often think themselves justified in some capacity. The point is, even if violence is justified, it's the lowest common response, not the highest, smartest, or best solution to any problem.

Dennis Orman

I would definitely enjoy seeing you watch Deadwood. I watched it first time around and enjoyed every minute, would happily rewatch it. So, there's one vote for Deadwood!

Daniel R

Bout time you realized what's up with Amy, it was driving me crazy throughout the first season (Season 5) not gonna lie lol but yes, you're right, Amy has been handled really well from the start and you get to see her grow and it feels like we grow along with her. You probably don't watch the Clone Wars but I liken her to Ahsoka who started off a bit meh to me but she's evolved into one of the best characters in all of Star Wars. Amy and Rory will always be my favorite companions (up to this point)


I still think Donna and Martha are far better than Amy.