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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Victoria Chinaka

you feeding us again w the TVD content! yessir, keep it coming


im so happy we get 2 episodes this week! thank you so much :D


Elena died during the sun and moon thing. Even though she came back to life, her death nullified the human ownership of a home thing. Even originals have to be invited in, if the home is in a humans name

Fly on the Wall

That’s really cool of you to get this next one out so quickly. Much appreciated.

Christina mani

Mason is clearly not alive lol I mean we just saw Anna and Vicki who are dead comeback. How they are able to be there will explained. Also Tyler was not playing Caroline

Lynell Twiner

Oh he of little faith..lol. You should know by now TVD always thickens the plot and explains at some point for your clarification. But when Vicky told you an old witch was helping you should know things were going to happen. Vicky cracked the door open to the other side, when Bonnie sent Vicky away she sent her away. Bonnie does not know the door is cracked open, hence Mason....stay tuned for explaination...they always come...

Stefan Davis

Another great reaction!!! Real quick though I think you kinda misunderstood the Tyler situation (which is not a big deal) but yes he is sired to Klaus but all his feelings for Caroline are still real so he wasn’t playing her........Oh and when Elena died after the curse her ownership of the Salvatores house becomes invalid thus meaning any vampire can come and go without being invited in

Tanice Coates

Great reaction! with the Bonnie and Jeremy situation, I don't think it's anger she's feeling. I think it's more so insecurity which is just coming off as anger because like she said, he loved both Vicki and Anna and they died so them being back and him talking to Anna so much could feel like for her that his old feelings for will resurface. Which to me seems like a valid reason to feel a little insecure about their relationship.

john segun doe

Plus tyler is part vamp now so everything is heightned. Remember when he was a dick, yah now its that x5. The show runners are being consistent

messiah waite

I didn't like how Matt could see ghosts bc it doesn't make sense. Does every human in the show that beats death get to see ghosts? that would be a thing and lots of people would be in asylums but its not a thing. also, why can't Elena see ghosts. It'd make sense if bonnie used magic like she did with Jeremy and magic being the reason they came back and see ghosts but it isn't and I think it's a bit of a plot hole they used/overlooked


I had the same issues, the only explanation I could imagine is that you need to have "died" after Bonnie brought Jeremy back to life because that's what must have fucked things up in the first place. Also, all the ghosts are supernatural beings, right? So maybe that's why nobody else sees ghosts - you'd have to be a human that died after Jeremy got brought back and you'd have to know dead supernatural beings :D


This is a whole setup ep so good. As for Bonnie well karma is a bitch maybe she shouldn't have gotten Anna killed. I love that brought Anna back she died way too soon.

Fly on the Wall

The way I interrupted the Matt and Jeremy ghost stuff is the consequences the witches were talking about is just the door to the other side being cracked open and Jeremy could see them because he was the first to die and come back to life after the door was wedged open by the witch on the other side that was helping Vickie.

Janeka Rector

Stefan didn’t kill Ric because his main mission is to protect Elena. So anyone who is going to keep Elena safe is useful. And you were talking a bit over the part where Vicki was explaining that she has help on the otherside. It’s not that Matt is special like Jeremy, it’s that Vicki has help on the other side.

Daniel R

Steven: "I can't think of a way how he's still alive". Really? In a season about ghosts you can't figure out how Mason is here? lol

Valencia Lanier

The issue I have with Elena saying Stefan isn’t acting like Stefan is she doesn’t know who Stefan is. Not really. She knows the part of himself that Stefan has shown her. Just like she doesn’t know everything about Damon. Old vampires have so much about them and it’s not the same as baby vampire Caroline or baby hybrid Tyler. Besides probably Damon, no one knows all of Stefan’s personality. It’s annoying until I realize how teenage angsty it is. Of course 18 year old Elena thinks she knows everything about 176 year old Stefan. Girl please. I’m gonna repeat something I said about this same episode to another reviewer: Bonnie had the right to be annoyed. She isn’t being ridiculous. She knows that in order for Jeremy to be seeing Anna and Vicki, he has to want to. Anna explains it when she first popped up. How Jeremy has to be pushing from his side as she is pushing from hers and before any of this bad energy stuff and witch in the other side mess popped up, he’d been keeping that from Bonnie all summer. And once Anna started talking about bad energy and something is wrong he should have said something. Once again, Bonnie is the one to fix shit but she can’t be in her feelings about her boyfriend wanting to spend time with his dead girlfriend. Cause if it was the other way around Jeremy would be all pissy and in his feelings.


I cant speak for anybody else but im enjoying stefan being a dick 😂😂😂

Emma Elaine

When Elena died the House deed no longer worked. So any vampire can come in until they get that re-assigned to someone else