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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Daniel R

Paul Wesley's acting in this episode is phenomenal. The "TURN IT OFF" line has stuck with me all these years, it's just so well done. I'm envious you get to watch this for the first time, Steven, this is one of those shows I wish I could erase my memory so I could relive it again for the first time over and over. So good!

Christina mani

It's the way I know all klaus line in this episode especially the part where he tells Stefan to "TURN IT OFF" it's one of my favourite scenes. Also I can tell you're starting to like klaus hehe. First time im happy about a computer crash because we get another episode 🤣

Jesus Alejo

Really great episode and reaction, this is one of those that stands out!... You had a couple of small questions if I remember well; first about Klaus and the Vervain, he and all Originals are still affected by it and will stop them from compelling and all that (If you remember back when Elijah appear the first time he had to remove the necklace from Elena to compel her), which leads to the other question, the necklace, Stefan had it, opened it up, put vervain in it and gave it to Elena back in season one so she couldn't be compelled; the necklace has a lot of meaning and some magic because it came from the original witch but Stefan didn't know that of course


Damon did so NOT want to taste Elenas blood. You can clearly see worry and anger on his face and if he was struggling with bloodlust his face would have changed. Him carrying Elena out of the hospital was probably the most wholesome and sweet thing to happen all episode, not that thats saying much. Also in the last scene the symbolism of the necklace becomes clear again. Damon brings it back to Elena again and gives it to her as a response to her talking about how Stefan is gone. Upon rewatching it its just so obvious what the necklace means, Elena refuses to take it cause it stands for hope for her and Stefan and at the moment she doesnt have any. Also love the scenes with Katherine and Damon, they are always hilarious.

Sade L.

Yoooo we get another episode this week? It’s lit!


Oh man I was so guttered when u said u lost have the reaction as this is one of my fave episodes..I’m really glad u decided to watch it from the start :) thank u

Futuristic Girl

Tyler won't have to deal with the werewolf transformations anymore. Hybrids change at will. Klaus talked about that last season.

Futuristic Girl

I loved all the gym scenes and Katherine and Damon scenes.

Futuristic Girl

Paul Wesley had so much fun playing this version Stefan.

Stefan Davis

I just want to add on to what you said about Caroline even though she’s a vampire she remains the same charming bubbly personality, which is why she is my 2nd favorite character...........she just handles being a vampire soooo well every once and a while she may slip up but overall her transition to a vampire other than that first incident has been seamless!!!!..... Pretty much vampires have to the ability to shut off their emotions which pretty much allows them to kill without remorse and fully give in to their urges.....so when Klaus was telling him to turn it off that is what was going on.......... ***and I know I might be the only one but man the way Elaina is so naive sometimes is exhausting....many, many many it just feels like she never really understands the gravity of situations, it just seems like she’s always making reckless choices as if she can’t die within seconds🤣🤦🏾‍♂️

messiah waite

so about the vervain, yes if vampires take vervain they can resist compulsion from originals but Stefan hasn't been on vervain while with Klaus probably because Klaus would get offended by the action


How worldly were you at 17? How many times did you think about your own mortality at that age? Elena is one of the most honest and well thought out representations of a 17 year old girl dealing with this stuff. Her parents just died, she has little to no guidance. Teenagers are reckless. They are naive. Teens love the way she loved Stefan, with little reason and almost obsessively after like five minutes of knowing him. Like she said in 2x20 she isn't so sure she really knows what love is and she is right. Elena as a character may be written too well and viewers don't always realize it. Elena doesn't always realize her own naivete, just like actual teenagers. They all think they are going to live forever and they all think they know everything when they really really don't. I mean if you don't like her for all of that I completely understand. For me though, having once upon a time been a naive, reckless, immortal (only in my own ignorant mind), 17yr old girl... I get it.

john segun doe

soooo good. When david started the vamp diaries series that scene is all i was really waiting for now its finally come

Daniel R

Not sure if you recognized the actor for Michael, the Vampire-Vampire Hunter but you asked about him in an earlier episode. He's actually in another show you're watching right now; he's Balthazar in Supernatural.

Calvin Allen

As much as they always put on Bonnie's shoulders the show really should be about her