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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



I believe Jared (actor who plays Henry) was 15 while filming this but he’s meant to play a 12/13 year old, it’s so weird seeing it. LMAO it’s crazy, never thought someone would laugh at Henry’s heartbreak :/ i just find it sad that Emma sees what Cora did to Regina and takes inspiration from that bc she says “why would a mother do that?” as she goes on and have someone break Henry’s heart. i understand it’s no “Violet is dead now” but he’s 12/13 he’s a teenager lol, he doesn’t really know what love is. and yes i agree that Jared is too old to be playing a 13 year old but this goes on :/ Ik you say Merida is “an asshole” but i don’t believe she has power over it, right now she’s thinking, “i need to get my heart back so that i can go save my family and my kingdom” and right now the only way to do that (ALIVE) is to do what Emma asks her to. and right now she needs to make Rumple a hero, maybe bc Arthur is (or was) a hero and he was able to pull Excalibur back then. idk, we see that Emma can’t pull out the sword bc she’s now the Dark One so she needs someone to do it? idk why she just doesn’t force Arthur to do it for her? maybe it’s too easy? bc we know that Arthur was the first to pull Excalibur from its stone. or maybe Arthur is no longer a hero now? it’s a lot to take in rn. i can agree with the rating, i feel like nothing really happened, yk? the only important thing i would take from is it that they freed Merlin when they were back in Camelot and also the beginning scene where we see that a past Dark One trap Merlin in the tree a long time ago, just to show why Merlin looks so young instead of some old guy. i still enjoyed the reaction nonetheless and i can’t wait for the next one ! :)

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Overall... this episode is pretty good, and I give it an 8. I like far more than what I dislike, but both of the main storylines, or even the smaller storylines, aren't as strong for me as they are in other episodes. My favorite scene is when Emma confronts Regina in the end outside of her front door when Regina gets angry with her for hurting Henry. And my other favorite moment is when Emma frees Merlin from the tree upon enacting the spell she and Regina created with Henry's tear of lost love. Another favorite moment... I also love seeing Merlin free David and Mary Margaret from Emma's freeze spell and from Arthur's control through the sands of Avalon, then how he asks Emma if she's truly prepared to lose the darkness upon revealing it must be as much up to her a it is to him. Amazing! Thank you so much again for your reaction! Until my thoughts for the next episode... Thank you!! Sincerely, Heidi


To answer your question on how Merida knew about the teacup, there was an earlier scene where she took the Once Upon a Time book.


Emma needs Rumple because right now his heart is a clear slate. It's neither dark nor light and Emma wants Rumple to be worthy to pull the sword. (Arthur probably isn't worthy anymore because he is no longer pure with a heart of a hero. He's too corrupt) Honestly, I love Merida, I just don't love her being controlled and having to train. Like you said it's a bit weak, but the reason she's acting this way is because 1. She has no heart and 2. she is anxious to get back home. She still has yet to save her brothers and save her kingdom and she wants to get back as soon as she can. (her methods remind me of Toph tbh) But honestly, of the Disney/Pixar characters that were introduced to the show, Merida is honestly my favorite. Especially after a future episode. Do you think Jarred's improved acting-wise since the first few seasons? I know you didn't really like him at first and I'm curious if you think he's gotten better.


I usually agree with you on the emotional stuff but I can’t get on board with your dismissal of Henry’s reaction to what Emma did. She is his mother—the one person who is supposed to never intentionally hurt him—and she masterminded a plan that was solely intended to cause him emotional pain. Sorry, man, but as a mother I could never betray that emotional trust with my own children. That’s what it was—betrayal. Yes, he’s only 13 and it wasn’t that big a deal in the long run, but it was the intention behind it that counts.