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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



I'm with you at an 8/9 but I thit it gets even better on rewatch when you can analyze everything. Because everything that is "off" in this episode - such as characterization - is off for a reason. And other neat things! Like Shaw regrouping with Reese and Root in the subway train car instead of the subway HQ itself where the machine is.

Ross Pogharian

I look at it like things are off because it is based on Shaw's memory & what Samaritan knows about Team Machine. If it knew everything, the details would be 100% accurate, but there are big holes (where the Machine is for instance, and how they interact with each other when not on the attack). If you think about it, Samaritan only knows them as their cover IDs or not at all, depending on how often they are using that "shadow map".


Also they only refer to their base as "harold and the machine" or "back to safety", they don't actually refer to the base as the subway, which they usually call it outside of the simulation. I found small stuff like that a nice touch when rewatching it.


This is one of those episodes that's even better on multiple viewings, you can pick up on a lot of the subtle details they put in that feel off the the first time you see it. Like those flashes when Shaw freaks out and then comes back in a different look, its the simulation trying to get her back on mission when she is fighting it. As for the Shaw and Root stuff, its a good way to show Shaw cares for Root with a look inside her mind, because real life Shaw would not show those emotions.

Ghost Mom

I get you on the beginning of the season. I remember going out of town for a bit when this season was airing. I had seen like the first three but it was slow and I knew it was over soon so I stopped watching for a bit, then I got spoilered because the second half picks up. I personally think the show manages to stick the landing, you may not but the second half of the season is some of its best. as for your rating system. Its less about the 7's and more about how you say it sometimes. I get it this show is on a pedestal and it deserves it so I understand being a bit more critical, but it is kind of funny how you'll give an episode of this show a 7 an sound bummed and not have much good to say but I've heard you give other shows a 6 or a 7 and be like "hey that was pretty good" and be all positive. Now I totally get why, because of the whole pedestal thing and its like apple to oranges but I think its just because POI sets such a high bar.

Ghost Mom

just think, thats 6,741 times that Shaw dreamed of passionately making love to Root, even in the dream, she's her space place.


Loved this episode so much. I would probably give it a 9 too. I love Shaw and Root but their sex scene was a bit much. Anyway the details mentioned by comments before me were amazing. You can see the interactions are off, less emotional, which proves that a machine can never truly replicate the human brain.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I honestly feel that this episode is the worst episode of the entire show. I really don't like it for a number of reasons and if there is one episode that feels like a filler episode... it's this one. I love Shaw, but this episode is a bit boring, and it doesn't really do anything to further along the overarching storyline happening. Except to show us what is going on with Shaw in the worst way possible. When I re-watch this show, I always skip this episode.