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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Rafael Lemus

Thanks for the Buffy/Angel double-drop Steven! Both episode are pretty significant so I'm looking forward to watching your reactions. Have a good weekend dude :)


I think that willow/Tara conversation and fight was very accurate to how a lot of fights happen.. they start as one conversation and escalate into something else when ur emotions take over and u say what’s really bothering u.


I think Glory's menacing moments land so effectively for me precisely BECAUSE she's so goofy and nonchalant most of the time. It's disarming, imo. I'm personally glad they didn't just try to make her generically menacing villain all the time.

Launa Sorensen

I obviously can't speak for all queer women couples, but that fight seemed really naturally to me in terms of fights I've had with women, both how things escalated and the topics. It's also not an uncommon fight in a lesbian/bisexual couple (or where one party is recently out and has a history with men), especially in the 90s/2000s when "gold star" lesbians (women who have never slept with a man) were more valued. It's a big part of biphobia--the fear that no woman who has been with a man/could easily be with a man will choose to stay with a woman long term. It was even worse before gay marriage when lesbians would question why any woman would give up the social safety and benefits of a hetero life if she didn't have to. Not saying your confusion was invalid--I don't think they properly set up that Tara would fear these things and the natural convo to me was about Willow's recklessness with magic as well--but I also get that this could be something on Tara's mind that she hadn't given voice to/something she literally realized she felt as she was saying it and it was manifesting as a fear of Willow's magic/being left behind magically. Also it was obviously on Willow's mind since she went right to the topic.

Launa Sorensen

So basically--in my experience, that was a really realistic f/f couple fight and the topics were real and timely, but I do wish the show had planted that particular doubt seed better if they were going to go there. I also wish, however, that Joss had gone with his instinct in making Willow bi instead of gay (the producers said if she was bi no one would take her seriously and would see her as wishy-washy -- more of that lovely biphobia of the day). It was a great conversation to have, especially for one of TV's first lead f/f couples, but it did seem to come out of nowhere.


I think Buffy trusting Spike was earned last episode, and the writers were just continuing off of that. He proved his loyalty (like Tara in this ep) that he'd die before ever letting anything happen to Dawn. Was literally willing to let Glory *peel him like an apple* ick lol! Combine that with him being a superpowered being, and that makes one hell of a babysitter in a pinch! Spike's proven to be an ally in this fight, and Buffys recognized that.

Steve Quast

Yep. Last episode we saw the best and worst of Spike. Spike definitely has issues, but he's shown he can come through where it counts. And he shows it again this episode. I've always really liked his conversation with Dawn, and of course the part where he helps Buffy realise she'd better go save Willow.

Karissa Edie

I think that when Buffy talked about the last few months being hard for Dawn she might have meant while Joyce was sick not just since she died.

Thom Purdy

Willow was trying to cast a spell, but she was so upset that she couldn't concentrate.

Daniel R

I want to like the fight scenes between Glory and Buffy but every time they start playing that goofy music that just makes it seem like a cartoon Looney Tunes fight. yeah yeah Glory is cheesy and weird, but it just doesn't work for me when she actually needs to be serious


You were a bit taken aback about it being mentioned how Joyce death happened months ago and this should clear it up. This episode was months after Joyce death because timeline-wise when it aired, "The Body" aired in April, and this episode "Tough Love" aired in May. It's pretty difficult to keep track when binge-watching... I always have to keep that in mind when I binge watch tv series that aired on television.


I thought it was just a reference to Joyce having had cancer and undergoing surgery, which happened in the months/weeks before her eventually dying. That would have made the past several months very hard on Dawn - not just the death, but the stress of her mum battling a brain tumor and acting strangely.