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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


john segun doe

Clark (being jealous) was harmlessly talking about Justin and associating him and the news clipping of his doctors hand and Justin overhearing that then became an asshole. I can understand that. If i'm justin and clark is being suspicious not because he knows something but mainly because he's jealous and is nit picking, in a fit of anxiety that clark is getting to close would react like "bro wtf man you jealous and now you're talking about me behind my back". It's definitely plausible. Plus Justin actually likes Chloe so that reinforces those feelings. I also don't think that is when he went crazy, he also did kill his doctor, granted his doctor is a piece of shit but murder wouldnt be justified in that case, ypu gotta be a little wacko to do that. Great reaction fam!!


This is by far the worst season, very unidimensional characters and stuff like that, after this point is where I fell in love with the show. I'm really looking forward for the next episode and for the season finale!


Man your comments at the end about Lana and Clark and even Lois, makes me realise how little into the show you are (as a time measurement) and how much more you have to see in this show. Hahaha and the bit about finding powers and getting together .. give it time man, give it time.


I know its odd seeing Adam Brody as a villain. But honestly he really impressed me here with his acting. And honestly was cool to see Chloe get an episode that focuses on her and Clark second. Wont lie, its rough watching Allison Mack anymore cause of all the horrible stuff she did in real life. But as a show in a vacuum this episode was one of the best all season I think. Plus the rainy funeral scene was a sad/beautiful imagery


"Are insect episodes EVER good?" Yes. The X-Files. "War of the Coprophages" is a classic!


That's like your opinion man. Don't get me wrong, it's not the best season. It's one of the corniest, and it has more than 5 dud episodes. But at least it doesnt have some of the insanely frustrating storylines/arcs a few of the future seasons have. Not the worst season at all for me

Sonia Deepak

Steven I'm curious will you be continue watching Smallville past season 1? You seem to be really enjoying the show and it's really fun to watch your reactions to it. The show only gets better but I know you have a busy schedule. For what it's worth I hope you continue  ❤️

Daniel R

Steven: "What's gonna make the fans go 'I wanna go with the new girl Lois'?" Well in the terms of pro-wrestling that would mean Lana would have to turn heel and a new babyface would have to be pushed to the top lol

Calvin Allen

The headline on that news paper is in such terrible taste. Would anyone publish that?

DJ Doena

While I can understand Justin's anger somewhat, on a different level it makes no sense. Sure, his hands are shot, but apparently his telekinesis allows him to draw beautiful pictures, so it's kind of lose some win some, is it not? Yes, Lex' full name is Alexander, after Alexander the Great, the King of Macedonia who conquered a huge chunk of Asia some 3K years ago. Alexander the Great is often referenced, it was his breastplate that the corrupt cop Phelan tried to steal. Also, if you watch closely, Smallville takes loans for their story beats from Buffy which is four years senior to this show. "Buffy" also killed their principal (Fluty or what his name was) in the Hyena episode and replaced him with Snyder (Quark from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine). Smallville will go to the Buffy well for a number of times in the future, not saying when and how, cause you know: spoilers.