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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



I agree with you about Midge and Bob. They are being really unfair to Donna. I love Eric. He is such a funny character. I’m excited for you to finish this season, lots of good stuff coming up!

Kacey Caldwell

While I dont like Bob and Midge I like that they show a family going through a hard time in their marriage. I like that the show gives us different takes on families. Bob and Midge the family that looks like they are headed towards divorce, Hyde's parents that just fucked off, Jackie's rich/well off family that just buy love, Fez's Host family that we saw once, Don't remember if we've seen Kelso's family, And then Eric's family not perfect but they love him and each other. I dont think i would like the show as much if we just had the Forman family. Seeing the differences make me like Red and Kitty more. Plus it makes it more real. And I like that. I'm glad your enjoying watching. Would you be willing at the end of each season rank the characters, and maybe say why a character has moved up or down in your liking? it doesnt have to be a different video. you did a ranking once in season one and i'm interested if people have changed in you mind.