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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


D.j. Lachmandas

Honestly one of my fav eps in the entire show lol


Finally. I've been waiting for you to meet Rebekah


Lol she wasn't in New York. She's in Chicago. The bus behind her said it.

Lynell Twiner

All witches black...lol... Keep watching...I'm from New Orleans..all the Vodoo P riests and Priestess are black so it may come from orgin like that. The Originals takes place in New Orleans. After Season 4 of TVD start The Originals. This shows is great until Season 7...my least favorite season gen ends with A great Season 8


I loved this episode because I love the introduction of Rebekah my favorite original besides Klaus and I agree Caroline is the best character and I love her so much


Yes!!! Caroline does get put in shitty situations more than once, but it just reinforces that fact that shit is one of the best characters on the show. Hands down she's my favorite with my girl Bonnie coming in at a close second


As for what motivated Stefan to be good and stay that way it was his best friend Lexi that helped him and turning his humanity back on. With his humanity back on he could not continue to be a ripper and live with the guilt of all the death and pain he had caused.

Victoria Chinaka

The significance of the ending was that katherine is in Chicago lmaoo


the bus behind katherine says "chicago" at the end. i guess if you blinked you would've missed it lol. she's in chicago where klaus, stefan, and rebecca are.

Stefan Davis

Caroline is definitely one of the more complex characters and for her to be new she handles being a vampire very well as which you will see throughout the show And for the Originals it’s not an origin story (it’s more of a spin-off) which is ironic because overall it’s superior to TVD just off story telling alone............but the events take place simultaneously with middle of season 4......you’ll see why when you get up to that point...... And legacies take place years after the events of TVD and The originals

Stefan Davis

Ohhhh yea Caroline gets the short end of the stick pretty often but no one gets dealt a shittier hand than Bonnie as you will see in later episodes 🤦🏾‍♂️😤

Futuristic Girl

I've been saying we should've gotten a prequel.

Futuristic Girl

There are a few black vampires. One or two of the tomb vampires were black. All the witches aren't black. Klaus had some white witches as well from what I can remember.

Brianna Dawson

Caroline is the best character, her arc is amazing and she is so pure. There is so much depth to her story. Nothing pisses me off more than when she is tortured.


"Like a cranky little kid, who didn't get his toy." Klaus in a nutshell lol!

john segun doe

he said that and i was I'm glad he's gettin that vibe. He's experiencing the show as intended


I love the change people have from Caroline in the first couple episodes of season 1 to "she's the best character' haha. I don't know if she's my favorite, but def top 3.

john segun doe

uh season 8 is done quite well in my opinion given the "unique" circumstances

john segun doe

This is the start to The Originals story Pay attention my guy its all good stuff from here

john segun doe

Btw the male actor at the end of the episode you said you knew from somewhere is Balthazar from supernatural.


Caroline is my favorite character of the series


Witches exist through bloodlines, not through the randomness that vampires are created. So if a large number of covens was black, it makes sense for a big chunk of the witches we're exposed to to be black. We have seen one (I think just the one for now) witch that was a white guy, but yeah up to now most have been black and a number of them have been from the same line of descendants. I do agree though that most black characters for some reason are either witches or dead quick.


the irony of carolines dad putting her through some vampire version of conversion therapy when hes gay


I love Caroline. She is the best everything in my unbiased (entirely biased) opinion. About the necklace, Stefan put vervain in it and gave it to Elena. It didn't always have vervain in it. I always feel bad for Elena and Stefan in this episode when Stefan breaks up with her. It reminds me of like Arya throwing rocks at Nymeria to make her run away.


stefan put the vervain in the necklace, i dont think there was any in it when rebecca had it


I love how the ending with Katherine, it shows the bus slowly driving by with Chicago written on it, and then it shows the taxi which says Chicago Permit on it. Yet Steven's immediate response is: "She's in New York". 🤦‍♂️

Tendai kangas

Katherine was in Chicago, the bus had Chicago written on it. And I definitely have a lot to say about how POC on this show are treated but I'm not going to get into it now.

Daniel R

Steven, my guy, I love you man but you are kind of annoying when you'd rather focus on race rather than the literal details of the plot. Not all witches are black. Not all people who die are black. The show is based in the South and a lot of rich history that stems from that area just so happens to be dominantly black. I'm saying if you want to get hung up on race, you're going to (If you're looking for something, chances are you're going to find it), but you're going to miss out what makes the show so great in the fanbases' eyes.


I mean let’s be honest the few black characters that are in the show get the shit end of the stick.. the way Bonnie is treated is filled with harmful tropes. I’m glad Steven notices it because many people in the fan base and people not in the fan base talk about this.


It's definitely a spoiler to tell when the originals takes place..


I really hate that people just told him that the originals takes place during vampire diaries...it just spoils so much,I honestly don't get these people

Valencia Lanier

The sad thing is Klaus wiping Stefan’s memories had to be done. He knew he couldn’t take him with them cause as a Ripper, he’d leave a trail straight to them. And if Rebekah had went off with Stefan, he would have got her found. Now that I think about it, that may be part of how the guy looking for them found Klaus and Rebekah by following the Stefan’s trail of bodies just to make sure it wasn’t them. So I hate that he daggered Rebekah but I see his logic in trying to keep her alive. I truly hate Bill and his logic is not even flawed it’s broken. He’s torturing his daughter with vervain and sunlight which makes her weak and not able to heal. Of course she’s hungry for blood you a absolute idiot!! And she needs blood to live dummy. Human blood keeps her stronger while the bunny diet sucks and should only be for extreme circumstances (to me anyway). Bill sucks because he didn’t even call his ex wife to see what was going on with Caroline especially after Carol called him back and said it was a bad idea. He didn’t even hesitate to torture her and didn’t seem all that tore up about it. The guy at the end, Sebastian Roché, plays a character on Supernatural and that’s probably one place I know you’ve seen him before. Katherine is a Stefan stalker. Cause usually she tries to be as far away from Klaus as possible but I never know if she is scared for Stefan and trying to watch out for him or looking to use him somehow against Klaus.


He knew that before and they told him so he wouldn't start earlier than needed

Tammy L. Faulkner

New York? The bus said Chicago🤣but ok... now we can start getting into The Originals territory. My second favorite Original, Rebekah, has now been introduced. BTW: the "detective" guy is "Balthazar"... from Supernatural. And since I didn't get to see ep 2 reaction not sure if you noticed or not, but Caroline's dad is Claire's dad from Heroes.


Caroline is absolutely my favorite character and it makes me so happy when other people can appreciate her character depth and development. I think she’s one of the most thoroughly developed characters in the show, and after that it would be a Stefan I think.


Also if you guys actually watch to the end of the reaction when he goes back over the episode you’d know he figured out Katherine was in Chicago.