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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



"This makes the government seem so corrupt" - yeah... this is actually a lot closer than you think. Like scary close my man. Oh and also, Bill Kim works for The Company and his boss is that dude in the limo with the pad. He didn't work for the president. They use the president to further their bigger agenda. Great reaction. This is one of my favorite episodes this season.


Yeah its been implied for 2 seasons now that its this misterious company that is managing the strings of goverment but he is confusing them with real goverment all the time and i dont know how to explain it without spoiling stuff :D


Also, Caroline was not dying. She just made it up on the fly...

Daniel R

When I was watching Prison Break there were 4 seasons... there's 5 now? Did they bring the series back and I was living under a rock somehow? lol

Zack Meaney

Yes the 5th season came out in 2017, it’s pretty good but only 9 episodes long.

Amanda Winner

Kim works for "the company", they pretty much can control the presidency

Dr. Foppo

he doen't know the company. He literally missed/didn't pay attention to anything that went on outide of Fox River in Season 1 and practically missed the entire plot. For example he mentioned Samantha Brinker twice. Once he called her "FBI woman" and once "VP's campaign manager" lol