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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Alex Haswell

I think the episode is ok, it didn't really have a hook to get me in. But I did love the ending with Rory and Amy.


The "Pond Life" minisode comes next, before the first episode of the new season.


This one is probably on the weaker side of the specials imo, but I still enjoy it. Also, I recommend watching the “Pond Life” minisode before you go onto S7.


There’s always a Christmas or Holiday special of some sort after each season! And like others said don’t skip the minisode “Pond’s life.”


The specials are very hit and miss when measured against some of the best episodes the show has to offer. With this one, I don't enjoy much from the basic plot elements of the story. But I do love the tone, many parts of the script and a fair bit of the humour. Then the ending feels a tiny bit tacked on as either a possible character ending arch or link to the next series as it works a both ways. Skip it and you miss that. Or watch it you're left with, over all a slightly disappointing Christmas special which you'd been waiting months for.


For me one of the worst Xmas specials so far. Apart from that wholesome ending with The Pond's and the beginning of the episode pre titles it just doesn't mesh together some how. I love the cast, in fact the actress who plays Mage is very recognisable to British audience's as is her husband. There is just something instantly forgettable about this story but as a Xmas special on Xmas day it does a job and Matt was great throughout. Roll on S7!!