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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



I give it a 10. Not actually perfect but come on, it's f****ing Harmony. :D


I really liked this episode mainly because Of Cordy and Angel I love their relationship and how Angel was trying so hard to get back in her good graces. Harmony is amazing she’s just so funny and I really like her

Marshall Dante Robertson

I actually love the fact that Harmony stays around. She has been with us since the very first episode of Buffy after all! I love that they don't really give her any sort of character arc, and that she remains the same person she was before she became a vampire. Some people truly don't change. And honestly a person's enjoyment of this episode depends on how much you like Harmony, and what can I say, she's hilarious to watch. 😂


Harmony, and the way they kept finding new things to do with her character throughout the years, is one of the great underrated delights of the Buffyverse, imo. I mean, who honestly had her pegged as a character that would still be around (and getting a showcase episode on another show!) 5 seasons after the pilot of Buffy? Not I.

Calvin Allen

I love this episode. One of the best of the season. Harmony is one of my favorite characters

Ray D

I think this is a fun one. It’s not amazing or anything but I have a good time watching it. Buffy and Angel always throw these comedic episodes in every once in a while. Harmony is great. She’s definitely a favorite amongst the fans as far as side characters. She always brings the funny. And in the first season or 2 of Buffy when Cordelia had her Cordettes, Harmony was always the main one. She was like Cordy’s number 2 in the group. So they were close friends


One of my favorite episodes of the show, not gonna lie. I adore Harmony. The only way this episode would have been better for me would have been for Harmony to become part of the team :D

J Scott Page

I had to give it a 10. The Angel and Cordy stuff was great. I love the end when she got her new clothes and all was well. But the best thing for me was Harmony.


I don't think this episode was meant to be much more than starting to move the characters back together in the lightest way possible. When this first aired, there was such an interwoven side story between the Buffy and Angel series with characters (Dru, Angel, Darla, Spike, and now Willow and Harmony) moving between both series. And since this originally followed the Buffy episode "Forever" I think was meant to cheer the audience back up after the heaviness and seriousness of Buffy's storyline while giving us the "what happened to Harmony" closure from the last time we saw her on Buffy.

Daniel R

No offense to Cordelia but that office deservedly does belong to Wesley all things considered. You need someone in charge, not someone who gets headaches and can't do anything useful with the information without others supporting her. Wesley was also a Watcher, another leadership role, so while Cordelia may be the conduit for the visions does she actually suit a leadership position out of the 3 of them remaining? Really? Lol

john segun doe

one of the reason i love angel more than buffy is cuz of the comedic aspect of it. The actor who plays angel has really good comedic instinct and sells all the time. Its had to play a bruting old soul and pull off the comedic bits and angel does this well in this. But all in all This was a funny ass episode.