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  PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Daniel R

Jim is funny and all but I loved seeing him being put in his place lol he never really gets his comeuppance which is kind of annoying so seeing this brought a BIG smile to my face XD


I had to look away so many times during this episode. The cringe...


Idris 😍

Philip Lee

And I love how Jim corrects Charles when he said “Assistant to the Regional Manager” rather than “Assistant Regional Manager”. Just like Jim used to correct Dwight when he would call himself ARM. Haha.

Light Yagami

This is the start of a great arc


I love this arc. Best of the series imo.


True but the thing about Jim is that he only mostly messing with Dwight because he is annoying in general (in the office setting).


You have to remember that for all his quirks, Michael has truly done a lot for his company. Remember during the deposition he choose the company over Jan, he constantly managed the best branch, he brings up the best from his employees by treating them like family (in his own way). And on company's side, Dunder Mifflin screwed Michael on so many occasions. He asked him to interview at corporate even though he never had a chance ( likely because Jan was being fired and wanted Michael there as a reason of her termination most likely), David send Holly away and this was the final straw, hiring Idris as a buffer and he comes in there and tries to change everything in a day and makes many big decisions within hours of arriving in there is just bad managing. You will see. Michael quit because David didn't understand that this was not about the party, It was about all those things reaching Michael's breaking point. Can't wait for the next episode...


Michael quit because he felt he wasn't getting any respect I think. Remember in Winnipeg? He was pissed at David for sending away Holly. He's been there for them when they needed and now felt he wasn't getting the respect deserved, like being able to talk to someone he should be able to talk to (David). David saying okay we'll give you your party was the alst straw for Michael, it wasn't about that, he still showed a lack of respect.

Bryce Hatley

David was just trying to give Michael the party/be in attendance as a bandaid to cover the more serious issues Michael was having. It was almost like a shot of disrespect at him, just expecting he would be fine with it and ignore everything else.


This was the first time I’d ever seen Idris Elba and I totally thought he was American. The accent is pretty much spot on—the only better one I’ve heard in recent memory is Jamie Bamber, who plays Apollo on BSG. I do definitely agree with Kelly and Angela’s assessment of him, though—such a good-looking man.


i love this arc. its part of why i love michael so much and i feel so proud of another character for growing. and also we meet one of my favorite characters too!

emily ღ

i always took it as it was never about the party and all the fuss. it was about michael earning respect as a good boss who has done well for the company for the last fifteen years. it was about the recognition and respect. and when david was like "yeah okay we can have your party" michael realized that that's all david would see him as, and he'd never have that respect he feels he's earned. he has consistently run the number one selling branch. he was invited to speak at a lecture circuit to inspire the other branches bc of how well the scranton branch was doing. for all his flaws, he's done well for the company, and them treating him like he just needed a baby sitter was the final straw for him. to me, this episode really shows his growth as a character. it's not about the immature thing like the party (which maybe in the earlier seasons it would be) but rather about him being disrespected and not treated like the boss of his branch. i love this story arch so much and i'm so excited for you to see the rest!