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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Amanda Logsdon

I actually enjoyed the majority of season 2, the end arch was a little underwhelming but overall i dont think it got really disappointing till the 3rd season

Calvin Allen

I hate how stupid they write Matt to be, but I do appreciate they at least keep that consistent


For the love of god please read the comments, season 2 and 3 are great!! I don't know who have you been listening to but there are definitely some sore apples in there who keep telling you that season 2 or 3 are not good.

Rob Flynn

Hahaha, yeah, not everyone can be smart I guess, but you're right, at least its consistent

Rob Flynn

I agree, quit listening to people who are trying to ruin something for you for the future. Make your own decision about how it is. *edit* I'd like to add I didn't mean that as a threat, this is the only instance I've seen of y'all doing that. Some folks are really bad about it tho. This kind of thing is what's made me unsub from reactors before. Form your own opinions.


Loved the second season.people are just mad things didn't go they're way! Don't go into the second season thinking you'll hate it

DJ Doena

Just a technical request: Please order the split screen in the order you are actually sitting. I have played Portal, but it'd still be easier if you, Steven, wouldn't look to the right when from our perspective your brother sits to the left of you. ;-)

Colin Hanrahan

Season 2 is amazing! Especially with COVID right now, lots of things will tie into our own reality right now. Please give it a shot.

Fly on the Wall

"Maybe it's not that bad." Yes! It's not! Thank the lord. I don't think you'll be disappointed checking out season 2.

Dr. Foppo

The most logical reason for Syler to round up all the powered people for the "cure" is obv. to take their abilities. It'd be like a candy store for him. He's pretty obsessed with ablities - think back to how much he was thirsting for Mohinder's list Before Sylar got revealed in the conversation with Clair he was at Isaac's place and had the whole conversation with Mohinder about "if people die from the 'cure' I'm gonna blame you". There he told Mohinder "I understand how things work" - that's Syler's ability. That was a subtle but pretty good hint for who he was Also: Linderman was wrong. He thought Nathan would become president because Isaac painted it but the painting was of Syler as Nathan - there was a scene (before Mohinder entered the Oval Office) where the painting was from

s jaco

This is my favourite episode of the series. Personally I still enjoyed S2, less than S1 but it was still good. I did end up dropping the show at some point. But that was mostly due to one very large event that turned out to be a dealbreak for me. But I feel that is a massively personal opinion. You might not mind it, i know lots of people watched it to the end. But yeah also a lot of people left this show at some point.


Who gave you guys the idea every season after this was shit? watch it yourselves, make your own opinion. The show adds some new characters, majority of this cast continues on. Plenty of people enjoy season 2 and beyond lol great reaction as usual

Tammy L. Faulkner

This episode takes place 5 yrs in the future... maybe... just maybe your seeing a power or 2 that is shown in s2+. Just saying. My faves in order for this series is: S3 S4 S2 S1 No season 2 isn't a fave for most people but it introduced one of my top 5 fave characters in the series. I really do hope y'all watch/react to it as well as the rest of the series.