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Hey everyone sorry for lack of content last few days. Internet has even absolutely horrible all since I moved in. It takes 10 times longer to upload videos. It goes and leaves. I have spent so much time with Spectrum trying to figure out what’s happening. They don’t have any boxes at my local spectrum offices so I have to keep restarting modem. They mailed one out on Monday but there was a mistake and they shut off my internet when the new box shipped so I had to call them, cancel my order for the new box so they could turn my crappy internet back on to then reorder the fixed box I need. It’s been a cluster but we have been recording but it’s been tough to get the videos up because the internet constantly goes.

The pictures above show what’s happening, it maxes out at what you see. Not even two bars and it stops at 30/7. For context at my other place I was paying for 400/35. It’s what I’m paying for here at the new place but the box they gave me is not working properly. I have been uploading for the last 8 hours so I could hopefully get stuff up for you guys.

I upload stuff in bulk but because my internet comes and goes I come back to errors on some of the uploads and I have to do it over.

I know some don’t like to hear reasons or excuses but I’m transparent and want to tell/show what’s going on.

The $5/$1 weekly drop down shows will also be late because that takes a lot of time opening window and multi tasking on web pages and this internet is not letting me do it right while it’s uploading. I’ll try today during the day to get that up.




Thanks for the update....patiently (not so patiently 🤣) waiting for the next buffy lol good luck with the internet


damnn, this sucks. hope everything gets sorted soon.


Of course it’s Spectrum. Damn internet. Lol. You guys going to post a video on the new place?


I totally get it I just had my internet fixed, it would be working for like 5 minutes and then shut off. It was really frustrating so I sympathise.


Don’t stress about it too much im sure everything will get sorted! Thank you for the update! 💕


Oh...internet issues can be so annoying to work out. Sorry you're having problems. Moving is complicated enough without the extra headaches.


Moving is the worst. I just moved last week and it's so stressful. We understand. Good luck with everything!

Brad turner

I hope it gets resolved soon so you can really enjoy your new space.

Amanda Logsdon

I hear you, i hav the same problem with internet for months now.

Renee Pope-Munro

I'm probably going to get flamed for this, but whilst I totally get that crappy internet sucks, this seems to be a repeated issue for you. Now, don't get me wrong, I live in Australia - what you think is crappy internet is probably faster than what we get at "high speed", lol - so I *totally* get that it can genuinely be a life ruiner. BUT, that said, I think when you're making money from something, there is some responsibility there to produce content . I am sympathetic that this is frustrating, but also bulk uploading may actually make it worse, not better? Anyway, not trying to be an ass - I just think some perspective is a bit important here.


I do think it is my job to provide content but I wouldn't say it is a repeat issue, I mean it happens but that's just a part of life. We always try to put up several videos every day because we want to make the value worth it. But what happens when I cant upload the stuff because the internet is down? When the internet is so slow that I have to watch YouTube videos in 480p. Without the internet there is no way for me to upload anything. Its why I pay what I pay for the best internet possible. I did do individule uploading as well but with my internet the way it is it takes over an hour to upload 1 video. So something that would take a 2 hours for 10 videos now takes 10 hours. Add to that the fact that it drops to super slow constantly. It drops to speeds I have never had for 5 years for periods of time throughout the day which makes uploading awful. I thank you all for the support but If there is nothing I can do to fix it I'm left at the whims of Spectrum to fix it for me.

Juan Sanchez

Just because George Jefferson is moving on up doesn't mean the hood rigged free internet coming with you lol


don’t worry about it, I totally understand :)


i have spectrum too and it’s been so bad


i have spectrum too and it’s been trash for the past week


Moving sucks, and always seems to come with these unexpected headaches. Totally understandable, don't stress too much. :) The new place is looking nice!


I have moved too many times in my adult life and *every* time I have, the Internet is screwed at my new place. Now starts the game of Spectrum telling you it's your fault and not theirs, but suddenly, they will fix the problem while never admitting it was indeed their fault... Good luck; it is super frustrating to deal with speed issues.


Completely understandable. Although I’m personally disappointed that there’s no parks and rec with this batch, but I’ll be patient. I know everyone has different favorites and it sounds like you’re having a rough go of it with your service. 😋

Valencia Lanier

Dude, I totally understand. When the internet gets grumpy then no one is happy. Especially if you work from home and depend on the internet, then Nothing gets done. It’s so frustrating and when the cable or whoever you get internet from messes up on their end, then that’s another level of frustration. Good luck and I hope it gets fixed soon.


you guys give so much for what we pay a month, take your time...i'm good :)

Sonia Deepak

Nothing sucks quite like bad internet. Good luck guys hang in there!

Sherry Garcia

At first I thought something was wrong on my end.My son usesnmy tablet for school on a different profile so I kept checking it was on mine and I wasn't missing notifications.I was very glad for the update!While I would love some good content as I am stuck at home and going crazy for something good to watch,I totally understand and hope it gets worked out soon.REALLY soon.lol