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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



For me the scene how root killed her was awesome. That chick was crazy and not careful and she deserved to go out like that. Dominic killing Link for that bait is kinda bad i agree but still this episode is very very good and atleast a 9 for me.


The reason Samaritan trusted the Machine was because they are machines, not human beings that lie. It reminds me of that scene from The Matrix Revolutions where the Architect says, "what do you think I am, human?" in response to Oracle asking him to give her his word. Good reaction. Can't wait for you to check out season finale.


Why do you keep looking away from the screen almost the entire episode - again. ...With a show like this - I just don't get it man 😞😤


what do you mean "who's Thornhill". It's already been established that Harper is working for the machine and not for money. But I guess you hate her so much you're not even paying attention.

Jorgen Karlsson

Also, Thornhill was the "number" at the end of season 2, so the machine. Two seasons ago though so may be a bit old news...