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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



"Plan" is a keyword by the end of the season you will see and it is really good. I can't wait to see your reaction to it.


So Matt wanted Lahey dead, and that want was picked up by the kanima who was searching for a master. Since the kanima kills "killers" it took Matt's want to kill Lahey has an order and then the next night he went to "report" what he did to his new master. So Matt seeing the kanima for the first time was the night after Lahey's death. You're right about the party and Matt's reason for wanting the team dead and Harris was really just a scapegoat he wasn't part of the trauma. Now for the picture thing with Allison. Matt didn't want to kill Allison, he had to want the person he was taking a picture of dead. The part where Matt was screaming at Allison was explained earlier in the episode by Stiles and Derek. Basically the kanima is there to kill murderer, or people that "deserves" it, but Matt was using it as a personal tool of vengance and since he too was killing people that were "undeserving" nature was balancing things by turning him into a kanima. That's why it felt like he wasn't human when he screamed at her.


I have to say that no matter what anyone says about Matt I get him, he drowned younger without anyone worrying about it, he relived that trauma for years as those responsable lived their lives without giving him a ounce of attention, and we can see, before this scene at the police station, he only killed those responsible. Especially, he ends up drowning, reliving his nightmare ... Terrible.

Nan A

The best part of this season is the last three episodes which I'm glad you get to see.

Marissa Brady

Talk about information overload! I do not blame Matt for wanting to kill those people at all. However, using Jackson to do it was wrong. He did not want to kill any of those people and now if they find a way to save him, he'll have to deal with the consequences of those actions. Allison continues to annoy me to no end. Derek did not force her mother to commit suicide. The Hunters did. It was their rule. To me, the hunters seem to act like Nazi's. The only one who acts good is Chris and that is because he is a strictly by the book hunter. The reveal of Scott being a werewolf to his mother was terrific and well executed! Scott was stupid for trusting Gerard. He never should have betrayed Derek. If he had been working with Derek this whole time, they might have been able to put an end to it. However, Gerard now has control of the Kanima! I felt so bad for Derek in that hallway when he found out that Scott betrayed him. Gerard is a great villain though! Speaking of villains, Peter is back!!! YAY!! He's always going to be my favorite bad guy. I just loved the scenes between Stiles and Derek and Stiles and his father. They are so great! Can't wait for the next episode!

Lea Connor

I kind of understand that part. The stalking of Allison whole separate conversation.

Lea Connor

I do have a problem with Deaton. Derek wasn't trained as an alpha. He had no help. Deaton, instead of helping, he puts all his efforts into a newly bitten wolf who would listen without arguing and control. I do feel sorry for Derek how many times as he been betrayed now? Stiles is wonderful as always.