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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation




"I go online sometimes. But everyone's spelling is so bad. It's depressing." Waht u tlkn bout Trara?

Keith Gow

I like this episode more than you do overall but it's less good on rewatch, because they do hit that metaphor really hard - and there's a lot of ongoing plot stuff happening which makes the episode story feel under developed. But that ending packs a punch.

Calvin Allen

There are a lot of great character interactions in this one. That plus the ending elevates it for me.


This episode was just ok for me. Some good character moments, but not my favorite. That ending though.... I'm excited to see your reaction to the next episode!

Juan Sanchez

Every reactor when it's over says, I want a second look or I gotta see that again lol also did you know Britney Spears was suppose to be cast as the robot which Britney back then would have been hot robot. But her schedule was too busy so they changed it.

s jaco

It's one of the weaker episodes of S5 for me, but the ending makes it really memorable. And I do like the casting they did for April and I like seeing Tara and Anya's friendship.


Now to wait for the next ep...wish we could have it now lol


"...Bro. Bro. Bro." 😂

Shauni Livingstone

This is always the worst wait between these 2 episodes


Agreed, definitely one of the weaker eps of the season. The wait for the next reaction will now be brutal. "I feel like Xander doesn't really treat Anya all that well?" Amen!


What spell was that? I always assumed the spell to extract Spike from the house was the same used for Angel in season 2. As an aside, I've seen you wear it before, but I really like that T-shirt with the little sharks. I also love the terrible joke Ben makes about his orthopedic pants. I enjoy this episode of season 5.

Ray D

I like this episode more than you. I think there are some legit pretty funny parts and I liked seeing Buffy finally work past her guy troubles. I actually feel for April at the end. I’d give it an 8 but I tend to like the more comedic episodes. Poor Puffy Xander. Lol. Fun fact, April was originally going to be played by Britney Spears in a stunt casting but it ended up not working out. The very end of the episode when Sarah goes from upbeat to calling for her mom and then changing from mom to mommy (reverting to almost a little girl) is just heartbreaking stuff. As others have said, the next episode is sure to be highly anticipated.


Just proof that this show really alternates between amazing and shitty writing ... Poor Xander.

Renee Pope-Munro

This episode is incredibly important in so many ways, most of which can't be fleshed out in this comments section because, spoilers. All I will say is that there is some important lightheartedness in this ep which we need for the weeks ahead, but also some very important decisions made by characters big and small, that will have ripple effects for the entirety of the rest of the show's run.

Collete L

Regular A Brian...


I really don't like how they're writing Spike. To me there's been this question about why Spike was ever allowed to live in Season 4. And if you squint you can see a reason not to harm someone who's helpless. But he's not helpless and he keeps doing these awful things. It's just a bad way to keep him on the show. He's one of my favorites but it just stretches believably that Buffy didn't kill him last episode or that Giles didn't this episode. Or anyone of them a lot sooner.


I think the only reason they kept him on the show was because he was so much of a fan favourite. When he popped in during season 3 everyone cheered, then he disappeared and it was like, ok, just a cameo. Then his first appearance in season 4 it's a similar thing. Then he shows up again because he's so popular. And after that they just use any reason they can think of to keep him on the show because people love the actor and character. And I am okay with that part, but yeah the fact that the character is basically given a 'no slay' ruling because he's popular is strange.


just saying bro big fan but you should not react to so many tv shows at once coz well you will never finish them

Fighter seVen'eiGht

Man we're right before the best episode of the series. I can't wait to see how it hits you.