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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



this is a great episode i forgot it was the next one

not felix

can't wait for you to see more of Blaine !!!


Gwyneth chews up the scenery in every scene she's in. I love her. And Ryan Murphy finally got her after all his characters obsessed over her in Popular.


Also I think we all know that's not what you sound like talking behind a facemask, Rachel!


I definitely enjoy this episode a lot! I’ve always thought Holly was a great addition to the show & the ending number w/ the singing in the rain/ umbrella mash up is *chief kiss* probably one of my top 5 glee mashups. And it’s actually so funny you mentioned the whole confusing actors w/ their character thing because the actress who plays Rachel is a lot like her in real life. Idk if you knew about this but back in May/June one of Lea’s former castmates who will appear in Glee in the later seasons called her out for some racist/disgusting behavior she displayed towards her and went viral & after that EVERYBODY within the entertainment & broadway industry had stories about what a horrible person Lea is and how hard she is to work with. It was insane.


Yes, that's Gwyneth Paltrow, Oscar-winning actress and Pepper Potts from the MCU. I've never been much of a fan of hers, but I do really enjoy Holly Holliday, and this episode in general. Fun Fact: This episode's where she met her husband Brad Falchuk, one of the show's writer/producers.


Hey David, I just want to say that outing is never ok. What karofsky does is not ok either but he does it because of internalized homophobia which is really scary. That comment you made about telling the world rubbed me the wrong way. It's really dangerous to out someone especially in a Homophobic school. So he should come out on his terms even if he bullies kurt.

Vicky N

I don’t think Terri was taking care of Will because she changed, Will was vulnerable and she took advantage. If the roles were reversed, you would not be cool with it. She is the same manipulative horrible person and what she did to Will is kind of hard to forgive.

Aaron Lopez

Can u shutup about Lea? We’re watching glee not judging the actors


Terri is still an awful person no horrible person! Don't be tricked lol dude she's super tricky. She feeds on him being unable to take care of himself. You don't come back to that kind of marriage. She even showed she hasn't changed by the way she acted even shoe was with holiday. Sorry I just had to point it out.

Jessica Aparicio

the comment you made about telling the whole world about karofsky’s sexuality really upset me because outing someone is never okay. under any circumstances. that was one of my biggest fears as i was growing up because i was afraid of how my family would react. you never know what someone’s family is like. people get disowned or worse because of this. it’s a real thing. i just had to say that so you know outing is one of the worst things you can do to someone.

Katy I-J

I understand. I was outed in middle school and it was the first time I’d ever had a panic attack and it led to some really terrible bullying that caused ptsd. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. But I do understand that it’s hard to realize the real impact of it unless you are in that situation or are afraid of it.

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

That Singing in the Rain/Umbrella mashup was great but all I can think of is Tom Holland. That’s STILL my fav video of all time.