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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Remember when Roslin promised Leoben mercy if he told them what they needed to know, and once he did, ordered him thrown out of the airlock. She is empathetic and considerate, but she can be ruthless when she determines it's necessary. Also, you said they were both Admirals. Not so. Cain is an admiral. Adama is a commander. She outranks him, which is why he was taking orders from her.

Janeka Rector

This episode is so damned good. And if it’s not obvious, think biblically about the naming of Adam(a) and Cain. Specifically Cain here. Airlockin’ Laura strikes again with her super pragmatism.


I feel like Roslin has proven her "ruthlessness cred" a few times before, so her stance here isn't all that surprising to me. I mean, in the first regular episode of the show, she ordered the deaths of potentially over 1300 people on the Olympic Carrier to protect the rest of the fleet, so I'd say she's always been shown to have it in her to make the really tough, ruthless calls. It's just gotten a little easier for her as time's gone on, which is of course somewhat unsettling.


Just a fun fact...the actor that plays Hotdog is Edward James Olmos's son in real life. Not relevant to this episode specifically, but it's cool trivia imo.

Daniel R

Michelle Forbes is such a great actor, love her in the role of Admiral Cain--such a great human "villain" or counter to Adama and his crew

Marissa Brady

I forgot how good these episodes were! Season two was a really great season for Battlestar Galactica. Did you Know that nbc peacock is doing a remake of the show? It'll be interesting to see a new take on the show.

Stephanie Bedworth

You have two more seasons after this one. There are four seasons in total.