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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Ryan Pulliam

One thing that always stands out to me about this episode is that while everyone else is going through terrifying situations, Elena, Jenna, and Jules being sacrificed. Stefan about to lose Elena, Damon about to lose Elena, Jeremy about to lose his aunt and sister, Caroline and Matt trying not to get killed by Tyler, and Bonnie about to die for her friends, and yet here is Klaus and this is all just entertaining to him as he attempts to reach a new level of power. If Klaus has one good bone in his body we sure haven't seen it. Hope to see you double for at least a couple episodes.


Omg hubby needs to be home now from work to watch the kids so I can shut myself in a room and watch this lol

D.j. Lachmandas

Just finish the season out n DOUBLE DROP PLEAASE

Victoria Chinaka

One clarification: just bc he has “their bodies” doesn’t necessarily mean they’re dead

Victoria Chinaka

the originals is AMAZING... character development at it’s finest, cant wait for you to watch

Futuristic Girl

Love this episode!! Also, I want to point out that Elijah's siblings are Original Vampires. They aren't dead dead. Elijah stayed dead as long as the dagger was in place.

Sade L.

This episode gets me every time 😩🥺

Adira Griffin

As for Damon’s bite not effecting him as much is because the last two episodes take place over a course of 24hrs Damon had only been bitten for a few hrs at that point as well as his bite not being as bad as Rose’s.


One of my favorite episodes. I remember watching this live and loved it.


Oh man please please please bless us with the next ep this week ❤️


Also Tyler wasn’t fully transformed when he bit him so it may not been as poisonous.

Andrea Dcosta

I still have to watch this it’s almost 10 am morning here in India. Will put out my thoughts post watching it. One thing Steven pls pls post the last episode this week if u can it will really make us all very happy. I believe this is your most viewed show looking at the number of votes, likes and comments so it would be a great treat for us your Patreons 🤗 Can’t wait to watch this one!!


Elijah wants his family back because there daggered, not really dead and Jenna tried to kill the witch so she couldn't finish the sacrifice, to save Elena's life.

john segun doe

When you were asking how there could be another episode because this felt like a finale I was literally like "cuz this show is just that good"


Shut the fuck up bro why the hell you spoiling stuff?

john segun doe

To your question about why you would want to follow the originals, you said you didn't want to follow them because they are evil. I promise you the writing of characters on this show as well as the originals is too good for you to pass it up. Plus the word "Evil" is too simplistic a word for the villains in this show. They got layers onto them that will really have you in a bind. Just you wait boss


The point of Jenna attacking the witch was that Jenna was trying to disrupt the ritual. Dead backup witch= Elena might not get sacrificed. Jenna was trying to save Elena.


Her turning before wasn’t the way to go because that’s what Katherine did. So Klaus slaughtered her family and she had to go in to hiding. If she turned it was a guaranteed death sentence for everyone she cared about and her.

Therese Larsen

Why are you spoiling??? Can’t you let him figure it out by himself? Ffs

Andrea Dcosta

Hey you didn’t give your score for this episode??

Andrea Dcosta

Sucha good episode so emotional 😭 TVD does that some of their last few episodes of seasons are just tooo good. If u can do the next episode this week 😊🤗


let me just help you get clarity on a few things for you: 1 - Katherine drank the vervain Damon gave her, so she had to act compelled by Klaus, so that Klaus wouldn't suspect her and kill her .. she's pretty much just waiting until Klaus is busy to make a run for it .. 2 - Jenna was trying to bite Greta, the witch in order to kill her, which would prevent the sacrifice from happening .. basically she was trying to save Elena's life by killing the witch enacting the ritual .. 3 - the Gilbert ring works on any human and protects whoever wears it from supernatural death (meaning not from car accidents, but from werewolf bites for instance) .. the gender is irrelevant to that power when (Elijah explained that to Elena a few eps ago) ... 4 - Original vampires can't be killed with anything but a the wood from a white oak tree, which the original family burned down way back so no Klaus didn't kill Elijah's siblings, he just daggered them like Stefan/Damon/Elena did with Elijah this season .. as soon as Elijah takes the daggers out of his siblings they're back to normal .. so Klaus played his only trump card: Elijah's family which means everything to him .. that was the only time Elijah ever broke his word 5 - Damon was bit while Tyler was still transforming into a wolf and also just scratched him .. plus 3x20 and 3x21 happened in one day, so basically Damon has a little slower death than Rose, but not that much slower ... if they wanna find a way to save him, they have to act fast.. I hope this long-ass post helped :)


There and not a lot of shows where the villain just straight up wins. If Elena had become a vampire before the sacrifice like Katherine did Klaus would of killed everyone she cared about. Like he did to Katherine when she tried that.


I feel like the last three episodes are pretty much one big great season finale - it ties up a lot of story but also leaves some major stuff for season three to figure out ..


so true!! nobody is just a good guy or a villain in this show, which makes this universe so fascinating 👏

Daniel R

Spoilers everywhere lmao don't turn this into the "Buffy nightmare comments section" please guys


Guys just clarify things that happened this episode without saying anything about future stuff, even if it seems obvious based on previous events! Let Steven figure it out and watch it happen

Amanda Winner

why am I crying again? Just a great episode


i wanted to comment on something you mentioned in your reaction. you asked why elijah would care so much about getting his family's bodies back since they're all dead. remember, death for an original is only "temporary". they can only stay dead for as long as their dagger stays in place. once their dagger is removed, they can wake up again. just like what happened to elijah earlier in the season. this detail kinda makes it more understandable why he'd be so desperate to get their bodies back to the point where he was willing to betray the deal he had with stefan/bonnie/damon.


To add to the Jenna explanation, she bit the witch to kill her. I've seen several comments that are like " that was dumb why didn't she just break her neck" Jenna has been a vampire for like three minutes. So to answer that: How in the world would Jenna know how to break someone's neck or some other more efficient way to kill someone?