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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



It's a good episode, but it feels like it should have been a 'part 1' given how it ends. Also hope you're doing well (and David!) and that moving isn't going to be too stressful.

Calvin Allen

This is one of the best episodes of the season for me. I don't remember if I liked it the first time I saw it but knowing where the show goes, it definitely has a lot to say.


This one isn't the most interesting at first glance. Yes the home office of evil is on earth and evil is apart of everyone. Its not a monster like they normally have to fight and win. While we the audience learn about the home office and what that means we also learn about people in general. Some people turn a blind eye to the evil, some keep trying to fight, some give up while others embrace it or work with it for their own means. How can Angel or company win or fight something that big and what is the point of it all? As Holland said win one apocalypse and another one will follow. Everyone's story in this episode has a deeper meaning that goes allow with the theme. As Calvin Allen said this episode has a lot to say.


That scene with Holland Manners is one of my favorite scenes of the show. It's such a chilling gut-punch.

john segun doe

Okay so remember Angel had a choice to make earlier in the season. Whether to fight the good fight with cordi gun and wes or go badass and emotionless and focus on the bigger picture i.e Wolfram and Hart. Now he's realizing Wolfram and Hart are way bigger than some villain they are essentially evil incarnate and that its useless to fight them. Also at the same time Realizing that he kinda lost his friends and all this effort to end the evil that is wolfram and hart can never bear any fruit and is literally a waste of time. He just lost it, and was in a deep pit of despair. I mean also let's get it straight, angel really does care for people, so giving up the good fight with cordi,gun, and wes was harder than ever for hime but he justified it by telling himself he was fighting a much more important fight against Wolfram and Hart but now that's been nullified.

Ray D

This episode and the next one are basically a two-parter and it’s a two parter that I really love. These episodes and specifically that conversation that Holland and Angel have will resonate from now until the end of the series. Wolfram and Harts goal is to turn Angel to their side. The prophecy says that Angel plays a major part in the apocalypse but we don’t know what side he will be on. So Holland is pointing out to Angel that people in general are evil. If they weren’t then Wolfram and Hart wouldn’t exist. So he’s asking Angel, what’s the point in fighting for good and trying to save people when in the end Evil will always be around? It can’t be defeated like a monster or something. Wolfram and Hart are basically Evil, incorporated. To them there is no winning or losing. It’s not about some CGI Hell that Angel could go to and fight a monster and win. Angel can fight until his last breath but he can’t win over evil. Evil will always exist. That realization has pushed Angel to rock bottom. He has to either decide to give up because nothing he do will matter in the end, or chose to keep fighting the good fight even with that knowledge that he can’t win. To me these episodes will define what the show is going forward. If you look at the show as a whole, season 1 is basically “supernatural detective agency” with cases of the week. But in season 2 it has shifted away from that. We have the Darla arc and Angel going dark or beige or however you want to put it. But from this episode on the show is redefining itself and it’s mission and so are the characters. And for the most part it will stick to that. I can’t really say too much about what that is until after the next episode. But just know that everything is there in that conversation that Holland and Angel have. And that will be important going forward for the mission.


This is a Top 10 episode of the entire series for me. As Raymond said above, this is a series-defining episode. And yes, it's basically a part 1 so maybe it'll make more sense to you after the next episode. Also, Tim Minear's episodes are always fantastic. No other writer seems to understand and write Angel the character like he does.


When I think of the brilliance that this show can be Reprise and Epiphany are the episodes that come to mind. Top tier Angel here. I think the episode hits a little different on a rewatch- I can’t remember my opinion on the first watch (20 years is a long time) but man I look forward to these two episodes on rewatches.