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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



I don't really like Marissa, but I certainly don't like Lindsey. It's just something about her that rubs me the wrong way. A little too judgemental maybe? I usually tend to not like people that don't get along with Seth. :)) But with Lindsay it's just something I never liked about the character.


Maybe Caleb's dead hahahaha.


Also your line Is the daughter here? was gold :D You taught for a second that she came with her mother and little did you know. She was here already hahah.


I totally agree that Ryan and Marissa work so much better as friends. I actually enjoy their scenes together when they're just being buddies. And yeah, I get that they're going for the whole "opposites attract" thing with Seth and Alex, but it doesn't work at all, imo. I loved your face as you were doing the "who's related to whom" math realizing who Lindsay was. 😂


Lindsay was always one of my favorite characters in the whole show, I really like her. I think she works well as Ryan's love interest, too.

PamPam and her PamPams

Besides Oliver, Lindsay was always my least favourite. I don't know if it's the way she talks or the choices she makes, the reactions she has to certain things, just something about her always bugged me. She's shaky and nervous, she always looks uncomfortable. Also it seems so weird that Ryan would like a girl like this, the opposites attract thing works better for Alex and Seth imo. She likes him cause he's a "good guy", a bit awkward but he genuienly likes her, we've all been there. What Ryan sees in Lindsay is not clear to me though, she said no to him twice and he still chases her like some puppy. Nothing about her is interesting to me, a plain and boring person. And I agree: Marissa and Ryan work a lot better as friends.


I think they just clicked or had that instant spark, and Lindsay doesn't create drama like Marissa. I think Ryan wants/needs someone sweet and honest like her, and she can also be really witty. She's a regular person really 🤷🏼‍♀️


Lindsay's actor was on Once Upon a Time actually! The older version of the seer girl, the one that had eyes on her palms. Rumple took her powers.


I think Marissa is way more enjoyable during season 2 bc the main drama for once isn't around her. As far as Lindsay goes, since Ryan is pretty much "adopted" he is basically making out with his own aunt right about now, soooo ... that's gonna make for some awkwardness.


I also like Lindsay more than Marissa. I think she is a more realistic person. Marissa feels like she lives in a soap opera. Just my opinion

Alexis Cardarella

Why does Alex like Seth!? He was being pretty obnoxious at certain points.. yes. Lol, but um, ..he’s also very damn charming and genuinely very funny... and very attractive.

Alexis Cardarella

So glad you can see that with the lack of melodrama between Ryan and Marissa, they really do get on!

Reef Sami

Are ya kidding me? Why Alex like Seth? he is so charming and funny and cute! obsessive and self-absorbed at times but damn cute