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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



I love Jess he's one of my favourite characters but you're absolutely allowed to not like him, that's fine. He does have an abrasive personality that people will either like or not.


(this is a loooong comment 😅 I'm sorry) I don't think there would've been much of a point of having Jess and Rory wait to be together after the marathon considering Dean broke up with Rory 'because' she liked Jess...it might seem insensitive, but pretending that they don't wanna be together for his sake probably would've irritated him more (it would've irritated ME had I been in his shoes) You ask what there is to like about Jess right now, because there's so much to hate about him...well my question is, what is there to hate about him SO MUCH right now? Especially ever since he chose to come back for season 3? Aside from being sarcastic here and there, I can think of a couple of times where he's been straight out unpleasant, but nothing worse than what Luke does sometimes 🤔 He was a jerk in season 2, when he was forced to come live with his uncle, but then he tried to have a normal conversation with Lorelai (which worked 'til she accused him of stealing) opened the diner to let the people have their wake for his great uncle, repaired Luke's toaster and has been doing some jobs here and there to pay for his stuff 🤷 what does Rory see in him? She sees a guy who gets ALL her pop culture and litterary references, a guy that matches her in intelligence (and is wasting his potential, which gives her the drive to try and push him) and also has that childish side of him (the pranks and sarcastic side) that she disapproves of openly, but laughs at deep down (because let's be real, her mom is the same) Dean was a nice boyfriend, but they had nothing in common ): he enjoys sports, isn't really into reading, he likes movies that Rory doesn't care much about and can't keep up with her mind, soooo yeah! It's not that you don't like Jess that we don't like, it's the fact that your hatred of him kinda makes you forget the stuff he does that shows he's got some good in him or blinds you to what Rory likes in the guy...(so when he's on screen and starting something with Rory, you're just bashing him right away and expecting him to be terrible and ruin her and complaining about this instead of watching the scene unfold and trying to understand why this kid isn't as bad as he seems)


I hate early Jess too but so did Milo,so you aren’t completely alone here.


Of course you can love or hate whoever you like, but I have to say it is really diminishing my enjoyment of these reactions. Saying things like ‘he is going to ruin her life‘ ...jeez..that’s a bit dramatic isn’t it. They are kids for goodness sake, they are drawn to each other and have more chemistry than Rory and Dean by a country mile. Milo and Alexis were well and truly dating by this stage. Just thinking back over the series , and of course not giving away spoilers, Rory gets into the least with...you guessed it...Jess. That’s why this ‘he’s going to ruin her life’ dramatics drives me crazy. Anyway I love this episide and I won’t let your negativity spoil it for me.


And also can you imagine if Rory told Dean she had to leave right after that epic kiss. His response would be ...WHAAAAAT???Ugh! And Jess the monster that he is, just naturally thinks it’s because he has done something wrong. What a pig!


I think Jess just does not care at all if he's liked or not - except with Rory and with Luke. I also think he's an introvert and doesn't wear his heart on his sleeve like other characters. So I understand that at this point in the show there is not a lot of credit you can give Jess. But he has shown repeatedly that he cares about Rory and Luke with small things that might seem meaningless to you, but they meant a lot coming from Jess bc as I said he really doesn't care what other people think of him, except when it comes to Luke or Rory. Now, do I think he treats Rory well? debatable. I think he is STARTING to treat Rory well. You see that he is continously trying to become a better person but is he already at this point in the show - not really, but you can see small hints of improvement. Of course, you can dislike him that's totally fine, I go back and forth with him myself. But I also think that maybe you could give him a liiiittle benefit of the doubt here and then - maybe he doesn't always have the worst intentions? just a thought ...


I'm not even gonna lie. I really enjoy your Jess rants. 😂

Ina Durcekova

Luke's reaction at the end was so perfect Lorelai: "I thought you said Rory's gonna change Jess" Luke: "What is she, a miracle worker? That kid is trouble!"

Tendai kangas

I think the shows intention is to show that Rory is very smart and mature with everything except her love life. It gives Rory a realistic flaw.

Ina Durcekova

Also poor Dean, he must feel like shit while Rory is out there making out with Jess and checking out colleges.

Mariella Nilsson

I totally agree with you on Jess! You are not Alone, I don’t know anyone who likes jess!

Mariella Nilsson

Rory ran away from Dean all the time in the beginning, he didn’t have a negative reaction, he just Said after awhile that he would back of if she wasn’t intrested and Maby he had misread her as being intrested in him.I also don’t think it is useful to compare Dean and jessto to justify one, it is better to discuss jess god and bad when talking jess and the same with Dean. They are so different personalitywise!

Stephanie Bedworth

There's no reason you have to like Jess. A lot of people don't. Hell, the first time I watched this show I couldn't stand him either. It was only on rewatches that my view of him softened at all. Now I kind of see him like a younger, immature version of Luke.


your feelings about jess are valid. at this point...there's nothing to like about him. he's a nuisance.

Renee Pope-Munro

This is exactly how I feel about it. Like, every syllable. I wasn't #TeamJess at this point in the show, but I could see the nuance to his character, and it was blatently clear that their chemistry was off the charts compared to her and Dean. Dean is a quintessential first boyfriend - but as soon as he lost his confidence in their relationship even a little, he turned a but sullen and controlling - which I think only sped up the demise of their relationship.


Oh young, immature love! 🤣 your reactions to this show are hilarious! Definitely makes it a fun rewatch for me.

Tammy L. Faulkner

Dude... the hate for teenagers is real here. Just saying. If they're together the entire rest of the show, what...? Stop watching? I've said it before... I'm not a fan of either Jess or Dean with her, but in a way Jess is a way better match for Rory, they have so much more in common. He's going to ruin her? Really? So if she changes schools it has nothing to do with pleasing her grandfather, closer to her mom, closer to her friends... her home or deciding it could be better for her? It HAS to be because of Jess? I get it, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but does it have to be judgy and hateful sounding? I mean, ouch😶 I love your Reactions, plus find you voice a little sexy, but this one was really hard to enjoy.


Jess and Lorelai are the exact same person, so it's weird how people can love one and hate the other.


I don’t think this is true at all. I don’t mind people liking Jess, but let’s stop with the false equivalencies. If anything, Jess is more like Luke personality wise.


I like Jess a character and I get why Jess is the way he is. He’s had no authority his whole life. Was abandoned by his dad and raised by a single mom who was flighty and didn’t really care about him. And then he was dumped off to Luke who really act more like a buddy who provides for him than the parental person he needs. He does care about Luke but doesn’t know how to express it and Rory is the only thing that really makes him happy. Obviously I get verrrrry frustrated with him and I’m not really team Rory and Jess. I do think they did need to start this relationship so Rory could stop obsessing over it but it’s not what I wouldn’t have wanted for her. However, knowing where Jess is coming from makes it a little easier to emphasize with him. It’s completely valid not to like him but I do think some of the hate he gets is undeserved.


Jess was a complete dick in the beginning yes I agree with you. I think alot of the connect fan's have towards them is later on in the series he turns out to be the guy everyone wanted him to start out to be. Also, the good girl/bad boy thing is huge thing for Jess/Rory. But Jess def. turns out to be the best guy she could be with throughout the series. Her college boyfriend is the biggest jackass and dick of them all (I still don't know how many fan's liked him?! He was a thousand times worse then Jess was. the different was he was in college an adult and did all of these things.) Dean was great the first season then well...he goes down hill. Jess is the only one of her boyfriends that doesn't well keep the shit head attitude.


I feel like everyone loves Jess's character arch through the series. He really grow's into the person we'd want Rory to be with. He's the only one I truly liked for Rory.


yeah I think the writer's said something about how none of her boyfriends we're meant to be but they came at the perfect time in her life. Dean got her interested in Love, Jess got her to not be so perfect but still found the true Rory great. Logan was used to push her out of her comfort zone.


Team Jess here....he is on her intellectual level.....Dean is not.