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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Alexis Cardarella

Don’t get me wrong, I like this episode and the main theme. But it’s such a relevant, important theme, and I don’t think the writers handled it all too well.. Yes you have to take into consideration that it’s an all white writers table and it was written two decades ago. So.. I did not like the Jackson guy they exemplified as “prejudice on both sides.” As if that is a relevant factor in terms of police brutality.. ..I didn’t like how they had Kate talking about crime having gone way down after these cops were zombified... To me there’s just a lot to be desired in terms of addressing systemic racism in this. The root causes. One might interpret this as a “bad people on both sides” kind of thing. That there’s a significant amount of black guys like Jackson simply choosing to involve themselves in criminal activity when they could easily choose otherwise. It also rubbed me the wrong way when they had Gunn’s friends pretty much tell him he’s wrong for having gotten off the streets, as if he’s a traitor to his kind. There’s just a lot of devil’s advocate stuff in this episode that’s quite ignorant.

Nick Velasquez

It’s sad that it seems like corrupt police will be an ageless topic.


it's wild how relevant the themes in this episode still are.