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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



One of my all time favourite episodes ❤️

Brianna Dawson

Although I totally agree that Rory treated Dean horribly, I'm glad their relationship is finally done. You'll get to see Jess and Rory, and they are my all time favourite Gilmore Girls pairing, even though they just started out horribly. But I find they mature a lot this season so I can't wait for you to see more.


Honestly everyone loves Jess except you.. so glad Dean is out of the picture he was a great first boyfriend for like a month then he went obsessed and clingy with Rory.. like the hell no!


Ok...I know you don't like Jess and when he's actually being a jackass, I'm right there with you calling him out, but sometimes I really feel like the kid can't breathe without you getting angry at him xD His presence at the gym freaked out Rory, but he had every right to show up, it's a town event (he goes to take a sandwich, talks to Lane like a normal person and gets hate from the start! I kinda wanna say "no wonder he responds with sarcasm") Same at the end on the bridge, I'm pretty sure he never intended to hurt Rory or have Dean scream at her in public like that...that's why he went to comfort her Anyway! Pretty good episode (fan favorite in fact!!)


When I first watched this show, I never realized just how obsessed, jealous and possessive Dean was 'til after this episode, when I had someone to compare him with...it got scary pretty fast o.o


Yesss agree with you,, its like he’ll hate Jess no matter what he does... i love looking forward to an episode with Jess but then i know he’ll hate on him which makes me so saadd ahha


This is one of my top 5 favorite episodes of the show. To me it has just about everything that makes "Gilmore Girls" great - the comedy was extra on-point, the entertaining supporting characters, the downright bizarre-but-charming world of Stars Hollow on full display, and the big emotional moments at the end. Plus it finally had the break-up that felt long overdue. As always, I'm totally with you on Jess/Rory, but not so much on Dean. He's an ass too, imo, just one cut from more of the "Nice Guy" cloth.

Valencia Lanier

Not everyone likes Jess. I don't and still don't. He is an asshole and not the kind you could overlook for his good qualities. For example, when he first got to the marathon he walked right in the middle of the dance floor, even between a couple making them stop touching. Inconsiderate. Rude. Just because they have a lot in common doesn't negate the fact that he is an asshole. But hey maybe he'll be Rory's asshole now.

PamPam and her PamPams

I love this episode! But then I kinda love all the break up episodes. Honestly, if it was me watching the show for the first time without being blinded by Jess' good looks as I used to be as a teen when I first watched it, I would probably not like Jess at this point either. He is a Jerk. If all he ever did in this show, was show up to annoy Rory and be an ass, he would have probably been more hated. At least by me. But there are some moments when I just absolutely love him. Dean is the worst btw, he was nice enough, but way too controlling and pushy. I hated him from the moment he showed up at Rory's place after she repeatedly said she wants a night alone, he just appears, only giving her a 2 min warning and then thinks its his right to yell at her in front of Paris. It wasn't even his business being there. Rory should have broken up with him for this. If I could pick, I would probably pick neither of them for Rory, but lean a little more towards Jess, just because their conversations have so much more depth to them and they're interesting and you can tell they kinda think the same way and like the same things. Dean is not really in her "league". Though Jess isn't really either but at least he challenges her mentally, Dean could never keep up.


I like Jess, but that doesn't mean I support everything he does (like using Shane to make Rory jealous is just terrible). But I think in this episode he does nothing wrong really. Yes, he's into Rory, but that's never been a secret and he hasn't made it a secret. He's there at the dance because he likes her, not to annoy her, but to be near her period. Now is Dean totally justified in breaking up with Rory? Yes absolutely, imho he should've done it even sooner. I like it though the way it happened bc just as we the audience got annoyed with Rory showing so clearly that she's into Jess standing right next to Dean, he gets annoyed too and finally says what we wanted him to say for so long now. I don't think that makes Jess the bad guy though - Rory is the one emotionally involved with Jess and still choosing to be with Dean, she's the one responsible for this mess.


Well I was really looking forward to this one but I have to say i am pretty disappointed in your reaction. This is widely considered to be the shows best episode and I notice quite often that you are looking away..at your phone I am assuming. I guess I am just expecting you to give your full attention, because you have to with this show. Jess is a really important character that makes things happen, that drives stories forward and it’s annoying that you just don’t take him seriously. And for the record this episode is based on the movie They Shoot Horses Don’t They with Jane Fonda about a dance marathon, so basically the whole ep is a pop culture reference. I am guessing you are going to be down on Jess and Rory for the rest of the season. That’ll be fun.


So the Dean and Jess thing. Dean is definitely a good person in general. He’s joe blow all American guy. Is he good for Rory... no. From their first time together where he was mad at Rory over things she couldn’t help and when he got mad when she didn’t say I love you back (because she honestly didn’t know), or even just their daily relationship where she’s basically teaching him different books and movies and things. He was somewhat doting which made her feel good and he was who she needed as a first boyfriend, but they really shouldn’t be together. Jess is totally a jerk (there’s a reason why the whole town can stand him), but he does seem to genuinely like Rory. He ended up with Shane because (as he had said) Rory never messaged him or anything over the summer (which was good since she was with Dean). But it was so obvious to everyone including Rory that she wanted to be with him. She knew what she wanted but she was in denial because she didn’t want to hurt Dean although she ended up doing that anyway because she is young and didn’t get that he wouldn’t be happy with her just technically staying with him. So I’m not sorry for Rory either. I’m actually happy for her. Come what may, for better or for worse, we (and she) will get to see if Jess would in fact make a good boyfriend for her 🤷🏾‍♀️


Oh and I forgot to comment about how Jess makes sure he breaks things off with Shane, someone he doesn’t really even care about, before he will start anything with Rory. Just putting that out there as a positive character trait.

Stephanie Bedworth

I don't think Rory was so much confused as in denial. I don't feel particularly bad for Rory either. This has been a long time coming. I didn't like Dean much at all but he's been unfairly treated by Rory for a good while now. If she had just been honest with herself this could have all been resolved ages ago. Jess is a dick, that much is true, but he hasn't been treated very well by Rory either. She kissed him and then she completely ignored him and went right back to Dean and then wanted to be mad when he moved on to Shane. A lot of his acting towards her and Dean stems from his anger over that.

Mariella Nilsson

I feel bad for Dean, and Rory here! I’m sure many if not most people have been in both their positions! I like Dean so it is nice that it is finally over, and I lovethe episode, with the dancing and drama. Rory was terrible to Dean here, and jess was terrible to both shane and Dean. So they kind of deserve eachother!

Renee Pope-Munro

Lol at Steve being totally baffled by how anyone can see the appeal of Jess, a guy who is *perfectly* written teenage smart-girl catnip ;p


OK. For everyone asking why so many People defend Jess "because he is just a Teenager" and not Dean. Jess is a Dick, we all know that but that's just it. He is simply a Dick. Dean on the other Hand really reminds me of some People in real Life that turned out to be abusive to their Partners. Many People feel similarly about Dean. That's the difference!

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

I actually never thought much about this but it just occurred to me that Rory spent 2/3 of her relationship with Dean having feelings for Jess. That sucks. As a teenager, I really looked up to Rory. I wanted to be as book smart as her. As an adult, I'm really questioning ALL of her life choices.