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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



River timeline is very confusing but so far her timelines goes She was Born on Demons Runs (6x7) then she is brainwashed and conditioned to kill the doctor for about the next 12to13 years, then she tries to kill the Doctor in (6x1), At the end of (6x2) is dying and regenerates to Mel where she then plants herself in her parents lives knowing that her parents will meet and travel with the Doctor one day, so that her best chance of finding him (6x8). Thats a very basic timeline.


The fact that we know how River's life ends from the very first time we see her is a very... daring choice as writers. Runs the risk of people not feeling invested in a character going forward since they know how her story ends. I still think they nailed it though, and it makes rewatches of that episode in the library worth so much more (and it was already a great episode) when you know her full story, which we still don't have the full story yet. Anyway, I also would at most give the episode an 8 since it had too many corny/awkward moments. It's an episode that took big swings and missed a couple of times.


Also River was never evil or believed in the Silence mission, it what she was forced to do at and brainwashed into thinking that her purpose was to kill the Doctor but even when she was a child she was trying to escape. which is why in 6x1 she calling for help. then she spends the next 10 years under Rory and Amy's influence. When she sees the doctor trying to still save her life even though she tried to kill him and ask her parents if he is worth it, is why she then decides to save him and basically breaks the "programming".


You asked why he couldn't regenerate by himself, I thinks it's probably best you don't get that answer, since... even though the answer itself is not a spoiler (it's based on previous Who material), it can lead to spoilery follow up thoughts, if that makes any sense...


The reason he couldn’t regenerate was because the poison from the Judas Tree disabled his ability to do so

Ana Adame

The Doctor couldn't regenerate because of the specific poison that was used. While in the Tardis he is planning on regenerating and the interface tells him that regeneration is disabled. River isn't evil, she was programmed to kill the doctor but even in 6x1 she is asking for help. Of course she still has that duty but I think growing up with Amy and Rory softened her up to the doctor at least a bit but there is really no stopping her programming, even though you can see her fighting it in this episode. The doctor also whispered something in her ear towards the end and I think that and the fact that she learned she was River Song was what really changed her mind at the end.

Ana Adame

I also thought it was kind of odd that Amy and Rory didn't fight harder to get her back or to raise her and looking back on it, after watching it so many times there are a couple things I noticed or that where mentioned that I missed. So first of all Amy was taken really early into her pregnancy around 6x1, she goes 9 months without her and Rory really knowing she was pregnant (she mentioned it early in season 6 that she just thought she was but actually wasn't, so in her mind she wasn't). So she wakes up and boom pregnant and about to give birth. She and Rory really only get to bond with the baby for a little while in Demon's run before she was taken again and in that same episode they learn River Song is their daughter, which at this point is a huge shock, and I am not sure really how anyone would react to that. Then we learn that River grew up with her parents. She was part of their entire lives and maybe also one of the reasons they got together in the first place. At the end of the Let's Kill Hitler Amy asks the doctor if they are just going to leave their daughter there and the doctor points out that at this point they have to let her make her own path, because her timeline needs to stay in tact. They cannot go back and raise baby River because not only could it possibly change Rory and Amy's timeline (she could have never been born) but it could also change the Doctor's timeline. She would have never became an archeologist, he would have never met her in the library, or at the bizantium, or at the pandorica, and that would change a lot of things. So all in all River's timeline cannot change, everything she went through had to happen for us to get to this point. The only way that Rory and Amy would get to raise her would be if she regenerated into a child again and we know that isn't going to happen. It is odd and Rory and Amy certainly have mixed feelings but they can't really do anything at this point. I would wait though until you are done with the entire series to look at what her timeline is, because spoilers. River Song does have her own series it's called the Diary of River Song. It's not a tv show but an audio series.


Huh, I'm sure you're right, since the person below you said the same, but when we get to a certain episode I'll ask something that doesn't really make sense unless there's another reason he couldn't regenerate.

Valencia Lanier

People have explained a good bit about River’s time line so I’ll try to explain the archeologist part. She wants to study it so she can study all the past cultures of different planets to look for where the Doctor pops up. At some point she acquired a vortex manipulator and that’s usually how she travels in time to leave messages and/or catch up with the Doctor. She starts the Luna University in something like 5023 so she has a lot of different planetary history and culture to look through to be able to find all the places he popped up. Remember when the Tenth Doctor meets her for the first time, her last time, it was on an archeological exhibition to the Library.

Jason Usher (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-08 20:13:52 Great Reaction, The Doctor was told by the TARDIS interface(Amelia) that his regeneration was shut down by the poison, & as far as her getting her name from The Doctor Amy & Rory and them getting it from her in her future is what is called a BOOT STRAP PARADOX, and when the little Girl who was in the atronaut suit in the first 2 episodes and she regenerated into Mels and then went and found her parents, and if she would have met the Doctor before this she would have tried to kill him but seeing this is the first time she meant him this is the first chance she had to kill the Doctor, the Robot stuff was just a way to have the Doctor get info on his death and a way for them to inform Mels who River is, also What made River be good is whatever the Doctor whispered in her ear(presumably that he loves her) & because the love he showed for Amy & Rory even when he was dying, and the Doctor changing his clothes whilst he is dying he said why, "Always Waste Time When You Don't When You Don't Have Any, Don't Let Time Be The Boss of You, RULE 408", and the end River was becoming an Archeologist because they dig stuff up and learn about the past which is a way to learn about where the Doctor possibly has been
2020-08-26 07:13:07 Great Reaction, The Doctor was told by the TARDIS interface(Amelia) that his regeneration was shut down by the poison, & as far as her getting her name from The Doctor Amy & Rory and them getting it from her in her future is what is called a BOOT STRAP PARADOX, and when the little Girl who was in the atronaut suit in the first 2 episodes and she regenerated into Mels and then went and found her parents, and if she would have met the Doctor before this she would have tried to kill him but seeing this is the first time she meant him this is the first chance she had to kill the Doctor, the Robot stuff was just a way to have the Doctor get info on his death and a way for them to inform Mels who River is, also What made River be good is whatever the Doctor whispered in her ear(presumably that he loves her) & because the love he showed for Amy & Rory even when he was dying, and the Doctor changing his clothes whilst he is dying he said why, "Always Waste Time When You Don't When You Don't Have Any, Don't Let Time Be The Boss of You, RULE 408", and the end River was becoming an Archeologist because they dig stuff up and learn about the past which is a way to learn about where the Doctor possibly has been

Great Reaction, The Doctor was told by the TARDIS interface(Amelia) that his regeneration was shut down by the poison, & as far as her getting her name from The Doctor Amy & Rory and them getting it from her in her future is what is called a BOOT STRAP PARADOX, and when the little Girl who was in the atronaut suit in the first 2 episodes and she regenerated into Mels and then went and found her parents, and if she would have met the Doctor before this she would have tried to kill him but seeing this is the first time she meant him this is the first chance she had to kill the Doctor, the Robot stuff was just a way to have the Doctor get info on his death and a way for them to inform Mels who River is, also What made River be good is whatever the Doctor whispered in her ear(presumably that he loves her) & because the love he showed for Amy & Rory even when he was dying, and the Doctor changing his clothes whilst he is dying he said why, "Always Waste Time When You Don't When You Don't Have Any, Don't Let Time Be The Boss of You, RULE 408", and the end River was becoming an Archeologist because they dig stuff up and learn about the past which is a way to learn about where the Doctor possibly has been