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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Rafael Lemus

Yay a new Angel reaction! 😊 Happy Anniversary 🙄 This episode deserves to be down there with the worst of the worst of the Buffyverse, truly awful. Oh well, let's just move past this one... Please tell me the next couple episodes of Angel are better (don't actually tell me bc spoilers)

Calvin Allen

Watching you watch this terrible episode actually made it more enjoyable


Yes this episode is at the bottom. This was one of those times the writers seemed to of tried to used the monster of the week story as both a metaphor and plot device for what Angel and crew going through. Angel is struggling to find a meaning for it all after not be able to help Darla and to watch her lose her chance at redemption while the rest of the crew are trying to hold onto Angel Investigation when their pretty much at rock bottom. Btvs always does this but with that show it works better. Angel is more about the realism of life then the fantasy and because of that sometimes just like in real life it just becomes mundane. So to show that the writers wrote that science guy to be very boring. No I don't think your  supposed to care about him (whatever his name is, he is so dull I can't seem to ever remember) because Angel at this point doesn't care. The moments that do stand out are with the regular cast and their interactions. Love the Host (green guy) here, he really stands out in this one. Maybe this episode is really brilliant because it put you emotionally where Angel and the crew are at. But... yah it sucked to watch. I would give it a 5. Would of been lower if the green guy wasn't in it.

Calvin Allen

I get what they were trying to do but when none of the main characters care about what's happening then why make the episode? This show is so much better than this that a mishap like this episode really stands out. Still better than She though.


I like to call these type of episodes progress reports. Both Buffy and Angel writers do a couple each season. There are just there as fillers and to give you an insight into the characters minds and emotional state by putting you there as well. Do to that they are each individually hit or miss when watching them but I think that is on purpose by the writers. One of the reason the buffyverse is so loved is because viewers can connect with the stories and the character's and the reason why is largwly because of these types episodes. I mention back in the episode shroud of rahmon that that was kind of one of them. This one, Happy Anniversary, just sucks.


I feel like I need some alcohol before I start this up.


This episode really highlights why I'm not a big fan of Angel the show. It has great episodes but when they go off the rails they really go off the rails. Atleast for me, Buffy's not so great episodes are still watchable. With the exception of The Host this episode is cringe.

Amanda Logsdon

I have not rewatched this one after my first viewing, and now i remember why...

Steve Quast

The fact that the word "Happy" is in the title might make this the most ironically titled episode of all time.


Yeah don't worry, your tiredness is not at all the reason behind you not feeling this one. This episode is so boring, it literally had a scene of Angel checking out library books while the Host watches.

Calvin Allen

I was relatively interested in the Gunn. Cordy, Wesley plot more. If they had made that the main focus with this weird Angel plot in the background it could have made it more interesting

Calvin Allen

It has multiple scenes of characters talking about how they don't care about what is happening in the scene. This episode is a mess


Yeahhhhhhh, um, Joss Whedon really bombed on this one

Stephanie Bedworth

Definitely one of the least engaging episodes of the whole show. The red headed girlfriend that you thought looked familiar, that's Darby Stanchfield. You would know her from Locke and Key. She was the kids' mother.

Phoenix Dawn

The worst episode of the season, possible the show?

Ray D

This episode is bad but there are episodes of Buffy that are just as bad. Ones like, Beer Bad, Go Fish, Teachers Pet, and Where the Wild Things Are aren’t any better.

Ray D

I think this one pretty unanimously considered one of the worst episodes of Angel. The twist where Angel turned “beige” and fired the team was great but I think the writers are struggling with how to do episodes where Angel is away from the rest of the team. The host has some good lines but we spend way too much time with the guy trying to freeze the world mid orgasm. Crazy that this story is credited to the two creators of the show.


I found myself wanting The Host's bad Sea Breeze with the canned grapefruit juice by that point in the episode. I loathe grapefruit, but desperate times and all that.


I don't like watching this one, but I guess the fact that I watch it on every viewing because I forget it exists proves that it is not as terrible as I want to say it is in the moment, just dull and unmemorable.


Meh, I'm more willing to slog through a bad Buffy episode than a bad Angel episode, I guess.

Calvin Allen

Wow. I was watching Locke and Key along with him. I hope he finishes the series