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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



I think the whole Caleb/Julie/Kirsten/Sandy bullshit is needed for future storylines (that are actually really good), just so you know it's not in vain. I'm with you regarding everything else - Seth and Marissa both need to figure out what they want and who they are now. Summer and Ryan both have grown in such interesting ways that the other two just fall behind and need to evolve.


You hate Caleb and Julie, so you hate any storyline revolving around them and that's totally fair. I enjoy them as characters a lot, even though they're not the good guys. I think the problem is that we don't really hear much about Julie's background and how her life was before she met Jimmy. I believe she did really love him.


I think at this point in the show you shouldn't root for either Julie or Caleb and I even think it's fair if people never do. But I think this storyline and how everyone reacts to it is interesting and will have severe consequences in the future. If I were Kirsten I would've quit this company and her father a long time ago, but she's just way too loyal and slightly dependent on her father's approval so she won't. Also, Julie's reaction is interesting, bc she married Jimmy when she was very young (I believe she was in love with him, but she also wanted to get out of the poor life that she had and Jimmy provided that too). Now with Caleb she made the active choice to just marry for money. At this point in the show we don't know why she made that decision, but we know that she did. For me, it always seemed like being rich meant being safe for Julie (not just in the fiscal sense). But she also learned from her mistake last year and wants to stand by Caleb in this situation, still she's Julie so ofc she's asking for something in return. Caleb is just stupid enough to give it to her.


Hang in there. The stories evolve and get so good. It’s funny though; I didn’t notice how rough the start of this season was until you pointed out the obvious flaws lol. Still, it’s building towards something.


Team Summer is generally a good way to be with this show.

Cindy Lou

They had such a great premise to start but kept veering away from it. I love all the family centric stories but it's gets TOO soap oper-ie when they focus too much on others.

Leora Nechama

Julie and Caleb are the worst but they're perfect for each other. :P Zach is really the perfect boyfriend character. The actor really reminds me of a young Paul Rudd.