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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



I know it was sad for Nikita but I was so glad Carla died. That lady was nothing BUT trouble, lol. It's amazing how much more likable Sean became once he was no longer All About Mom.


I love how Nikita never goes the way you expect and that it truly knows how to hit the emotional punches too. But it was clear from the start that Carla wouldn't make it out alive. She was just way too naive and didn't know that the division she created is a far cry from what Percy and Amanda made it into.

Breanna B

I love this episode! One thing that frustrates me is it doesn't seem like they ever sat Carla down and thoroughly explained alllll the things that Division, specifically Percy, has done. She's still naive and has hope in the organization she created, but a lot of that is because she sees Amanda as the cancer, and not Percy. Of course there's a good chance she would still be naive, but that would be the best chance for her to understand what's really going on. Michael could share how Percy killed his family and lied to him about it for almost 10 years, the various sanctioned and unsanctioned murders, what literally just happened with Oversight and how Percy killed them. All of it, not just "this is not the Division you remember." I don't get why they never did that, but hey... *plot* right? Lol. But I also think it would make her naivete (and therefore her death) hit even harder if the audience knew she was aware of all that and still chose Division.