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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Janet Daurity

I loved Peter Weller's line "Ive officially been terminated"! The writers, LOL! He was the Terminator! Not so subtle. I guess they couldn't resist!


Lol!! No, I don't think there's ever been a real consensus of any season of Dexter; for every person who loves one element, there's a person who dislikes it (for instance, I felt like s4 was 80% crap), so not liking the Dexter/Lumen romance isn't something you'll get a lot of push back about. :) I personally really like it though, for a lot of reasons but primarily because I feel like it fits in with one of the running themes so very well. If you look over the history of Dexter, almost every new character arc includes him finding someone he doesn't have to hide his dark passenger from: Brian, Lila, Miguel, Lumen... Even Dokes, to a degree. And he desperately wants that connection, which I think Harry developed in him - but badly - from an early age. (Badly because Harry had Dexter convinced he was a total sociopath who could never love anyone properly, yet loved Dexter enough that Dexter keenly felt that loss of intimacy when Harry died. I know Harry thought it was in Dexter's best interests, but... Well. I have a lot of ~thoughts on how he raised Dexter. Anyway.) So Dexter goes through his life with the urge to kill, the knowledge he can never share his deepest self with someone else, and the loneliness of someone who wants to. Romance isn't necessarily a part of that, or doesn't have to be, but for a straight widower thrown together with a beautiful traumatized woman who reminds him a bit of his dead wife (at least to start), and who he's sharing his secrets and working closely with day after day in a way he can't with anyone else, I can't find it shocking that he developed a romantic ideation for her. I'm sure there's someone out there who could more eloquently explain the psychology behind his character - hell, I have no doubt entire psychological papers have been written about it - but that's my fumbling attempt. Lol. Loved the reaction - looking forward to the finale!

Janet Daurity

I thought they did a good job with subtle hints about Dexter's feelings for Lumen, but there were no hints that Lumen might be falling for Dexter. After Lumen and Dexter found the picture at Cole Harman's house and she hugged his neck, Dexter looks at her with a sudden realization that there is an attraction, he looks discomfitted and mouths the f word. Then when they are stalking Alex Tillman he stares at her a little too long with the flashlight pointed at her instead of searching the room. He talks about working as a pair. Then when he puts her necklace on for her his look lingers kind of longingly. I could go on, but I was not surprised about his feelings at all. I absolutely loved them together and I absolutely love the whole show, but we are all different that's for sure. Julia Stiles was such a huge get for the show. It was the first tv she had ever done after becoming so famous in the Jason Bourne movies. Love season 5.

Daniel R

Thought the episode was solid, definitely interested to see how they wrap up the Quinn storyline. I'm guessing death as well; as for Deb, I feel like it's time for her to start suspecting her brother. I think the series is 7 seasons long so I would like a nice slow burn because this show is definitely heading to Deb vs. Dexter right? I'm not the only one who thinks this? lol I don't mind Lumen, thought their romance stuff was fine, at first she was meh to me but now I kinda dig her. Genuinely intrigued on how the season concludes. I definitely don't care about the Jordan Chase stuff, I'm guessing Lumen kills him in the finale.