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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Daniel R

Caroline 😍😍


Caroline is favorite female character


I like to pretend the whole singing part never happened and Matt doesn't exist lol so cringe... and Matt is just a useless character

Futuristic Girl

Looking back, I wish the Martin witches were still alive. I still understood why they did it to move the story along. Luca was bound to die because they weren't going to let them bring Elijah back at all. They never really trusted him, and if he came back, he would probably try to kill them. I wish they would've went about it a different way. Luca shouldn't have been sent alone. Bonnie needed her powers back, and Jonas didn't trust them. The only reason he gave her powers back is because he knew she would be the only chance at getting with witch power necessary to kill Klaus. When it comes to the Matt thing, I suppose they needed something to happen to Matt so Caroline could expose that she was a vampire.

Brianna Dawson

You're not alone in not liking Matt. He is really boring and Caroline is far too good for him. She's an amazing and strong character that is being paired with someone that can't measure up. I also think it's sad how the Martin witches died, they were only trying to get the sister back.


They just used Luka and Jonas to further some plot and I also did not like how they ended their stories so pointlessly. This show also wasn't very progressive with diversity and what not, watching it now it's so obviously biased and dated. They are better at inclusivity in the late seasons but The Originals and Legacies is where they hit a good stride of diversity. To be fair, it's based off a book series from the early 90s and I think the writers did their best without doing a complete 180 from book to show.

Janeka Rector

Remember when Bonnie forced Luka to tell her and Jeremy why they’re helping Elijah? It’s because they want to kill Klaus and Luka revealed that Elena would have to die in order to do so. So Jeremy hates the Martins because they planned to kill his sister. As for Jonas impaling Matt with a bottle, I think it shows two things: 1. Human life means nothing to him while he respects a fellow witch and doesn’t even consider vampire a threat. 2. Elena’s deal to protect her loved ones is over.


sadly people getting killed at the hands of the main characters is a common occurrence on this show, even people who don't necessarily deserve it. but most of the audience turns the other cheek or accepts it because their love for the vampires makes it easier to excuse the sh*tty things they do. you are right...luka didn't deserve to go out that way. thank you for pointing it out cause most reactors don't.


Generally agree, but Luka was also working to get Elena killed, so unlike many of the other people our main characters kill, he wasn't innocent.

Andrea Dcosta

I agree with you they shouldn’t take killed them in this way they didn’t deserve it. But with this show they kill off many important characters to get their story ahead you will see in further episodes I don’t particularly think it’s racist many white ppl also have died and will die in the future it’s seems more like now cz it’s 2 of them in one episode. So it isn’t cz of that but yes they didn’t deserve to die in this manner I agree. Many shocking and amazing episodes ahead can’t wait!!

john segun doe

also why the hate on matt man? If you look at it from Matt's perspective caroline has done a 180 and also has been pretty secretive. Remember when she lied on the phone saying she was with bonnie. In matts case, like what is a normal person supposed to think? But i dont blame you man, You are juggling alot of shows currently & i know its hard to keep all this in mind. All in all good reaction bro

Therese Larsen

Matt is boring and bland AF, you are definitely not alone in disliking him 😝 He does nothing for the story, it’s the writer’s fault though for not really developing his character. He could’ve done so much more to be more interesting - I don’t know exactly what though, but... He’s just annoying at this point, and I don’t care about his relationship with Caroline, I don’t feel like there’s any chemistry between them and all they do is break up and get together over and over.


I agree with you on this. Matt is the most pointless character. I hate that they killed the witches so easily. Yeah its so weird that they wouldn't kill the vampires, but would kill a human. Also, hate that they killed minority characters. I will say I think starting next episode it's a. crazy train (in a great way) to the end of the season.


I agree with you, matt is really bland as a character though there someone I ship Caroline with and spoiler it’s not Matt


I agree with you, I feel like this episode handled a few things not too well. I understand why they had to kill the dad, but Luka was just unneccessary. Also, Caroline and Matt are one of the worst pairings in TVD bc as you said they just don't fit. Caroline has outgrown Matt and he'll never understand her vampirism and this entirely new side to her, her newfound confidence and all of that. But I guess they had to go there so that at some point Matt would be clued into the supernatural stuff that's going on. I still wished Caroline wasn't into him though, bc she's so much more interesting than boring Matt. I really liked Damon and how he dealt with Katherine though. He's not gonna fall for her tricks again, plus he's clearly in love with Elena and that already changed him in some ways. Katherine's out for herself as always. She would sell anyone of them if it meant she'd get her freedom. So trusting her would be a big mistake, but as for now they need her against Klaus.


When Caroline started dating Matt it was a good match because she was always into guys that didn't care about her & Matt is a nice guy, but she has clearly grown so much that they no longer fit. Cant tell you my ship sorry lol.


This episode is kinda meh. My least favorite of like the first three seasons. 1x16 was bad too. Lol not a coincidence they both have more Matt in them. I think he is a good friend to Elena but he bores me to death and as far as ships go Caroline and Matt don't make my list at all. Sorry I know some people really like him and there are moments when I do. Just not enough of them.

Amanda Winner

They are always of the mindset "killed or be killed"


As others have mentioned, the warlocks were down with sacrificing Elena to get their daughter back, Jeremy not caring much that they're gone is not too surprising. More importantly I just want to try to clarify how vampires are made in this lore one more time, cause you always say something that throws me off when the show approaches that topic. Person dies with vampire blood in them, they can turn into a vampire if they then drink human blood once they come back. That's it. Nothing else to it. This episode you mentioned Matt would be fine as long as Caroline doesn't bite him, other episodes in the past you've mentioned similar things. Hopefully this helps.

Daniel R

Lol it annoys me sometimes too but then again how many shows is he watching currently with different Vampire lore? Vampire Diaries, Buffy/Angel, Supernatural--all have different ways to turn/different ways to kill a Vamp. Easy mistake, although for me it's odd how he can point out expendable characters in every other show but here he gets annoyed when expendable characters get the ax. Whatever lol


So Luka and his Dad both kind of deserved it. They were technically the "bad guys" because they were working with Elijah and knew that they were going to kill Elena (and worse things...but that would be a spoiler) so they were not innocents. They were there to terrorize the entire group. Jeremy hates Luka for two reasons 1. he was planning on taking part in Elena's death as he admitted when Bonnie did the spell on him 2. he was hitting on Bonnie, which obviously made Jeremy not like him. Furthermore, Luka and his Dad were trying to raise Elijah. Had Luka not gone into the house like he did then they wouldn't have killed him. He was also invisible and attacking them, so they just reacted to the threat. The Dad died after also attacking them. So what were they supposed to do? Not fight back? I also think their characters were developed pretty well. They were not just stereotypical bad guys. They had motive, which was the daughter/sister. For secondary characters I think they also got a decent amount of screen time and interaction with the main cast. I do remember being upset Luka died when I saw it because he wasn't really "evil." He was just trying to save his sister, but that is what makes it so heartbreaking. He was technically doing bad things for a good reason. That's actually why I liked the choice they made there so much.


Killing Luca, bothered me much more than Lexi (who was a literal 10 min character) he was just a kid doing what his father told him to, sometimes things he didn't want to do. Yes it had a bunch of filler, but you have to admit Candace (Caroline) has an amazing voice.


I agree with everything you said. Luca especially could have been such a cool character that they could have kept for a few seasons if not the entirety of the show in my opinion. The witches in this show are super cool and we really only have Bonnie to showcase that idk why they didn’t give us another witch. Luca was just a kid and his character development could have been so good. Also I despise Matt. Bland character, a jerk to Caroline, wish it was him dying instead of Luca tbh.

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

I didn't know there was so much Matt hate. I don't hate the guy but you're right that he doesn't deserve Caroline. I didn't even like him in the beginning when instead of allaying her fears and insecurities he just called her lame, threatened to break up with her for being upset that another girl was flirting with him and talked constantly about how he's just not sure he can handle dating someone like her. Like, bro you in or you out? Plus, even after Tyler told him that Caroline was just helping him through some stuff, Matt was just being a jerk to her. Anyone else would assume that the reason Caroline was being secretive was because she couldn't betray Tyler's trust but not Matt...wasn't Matt the one making a big deal about not wanting to stick around if Caroline continued being needy and insecure? You're all over the place, Matt. Caroline has turned into such a badass chick that she's outgrown him. As for the Martins...agreed they're only doing it to save their sister/daughter but are we meant to let them get away with un-killing an Original who will most definitely be pissed and out for blood? Are we meant to let them sacrifice Elena? Why does their family member mean more than ours? They're trying to protect theirs and we're trying to protect ours. I don't blame them for killing the Martins because it was killed or be killed. Besides...they're the ones who broke into the Salvatore house as an invisible enemy and they're the ones who went on a murder rampage. I get their motive but I also get why they had to die.