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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Mariella Nilsson

The girl at the end looks like the girl from comming to america.

Mariella Nilsson

What if she didn’t get the parents consent? And had to carry the baby as a twelve year old child? That could happen if it was up to the parents.


In the state of New Jersey, minors are able to obtain abortion services without parental consent. As long as the minor has obtained the required information such as risks, benefits, and alternatives, the minor may give informed consent to these services without parental consent. All healthcare professionals are bound by law to adhere to HIPAA confidentiality rules unless the minor is suspected of being a victim of child abuse or neglect, is a harm to self or others, or listed by the insurance the minor may be attempting to use. Looks like it is true. And in the end it's also to protect the kid, since there are some parents who would make the minor have the baby against their will, or vice versa.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I get a sense that Cameron sees something more in House that no one else can aside from Wilson. They're really the only two people who can see the human being beneath all of House's sarcasm, rudeness, obnoxiousness, and everything else he is. However, Wilson accepts House is who he is and deals with it as best as he can like any good friend would. Whereas Cameron actually believes she might be able to try to help bring out the good she sees in him. And that is what draws her to House. She likes him because she sees more in him than Foreman, Chase, and even Cuddy do. She sees that he's struggling with whatever is keeping him from showing the compassion she senses is in him. Self loathing, anger, etc... In an earlier episode, it was revealed that Cameron had loved and married a man she knew was dying, which reveals that she's drawn to people who need her help and her own compassion. I suspect this is partly why she became a doctor. Plus... Cameron simply likes House because she respects him and admires his ability to see in his patients what no one else can. She admires his skills. This isn't the best explanation, but it's the only way I can think of to try to explain the relationship between Cameron and House. I hope it makes sense.


I really enjoy you’re reactions to house in no small part due to how squeamish you are at the medical stuff.

Jason Usher

great reaction