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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Definitely a 9! Another brilliant episode, especially because of the ending scene between Lucifer, Amenadiel, and their mother. Fabulous!!!


I do think she wants to get God's attention, which she even said she wanted to do. Clearly she's willing to let a bunch of human die to get his attention so who knows how far she'll go. I think Amenadiel is going through his "rebel" stage. He's mad a dad so he's siding with mom. All three of them have different relationships with God and are all realizing their relationships might not be how they think they are which is interesting to see I think the blade is really cool and I'm surprised the whole yoga killing party case wasn't bigger as far as news stuff goes? I figured they would've been hassled by at least one reporter or something? Ella is definitely a top 5 character for me and I'm truly glad she was added to the cast. I agree. High 8 for me!


Lucifer has been in a church in season 1 episode 9 "A priest walks into a bar"

Jason Usher

great reaction